Map Light Bulb Part | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Map Light Bulb Part


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January 21, 2010
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2000 Explorer XLT Sport
I had to replace the overhead console on my 2000 XLT. The replacement console does not have light bulbs. When trying to buy new bulbs, I found out that there are small parts that the actual light bulbs fit into. There is one for each bulb. I am not sure what the part is called and cannot find replacements.

A better way to describe the part is.....when you remove the plastic lens on the overhead console light to expose the bulbs, and then you remove the bulb, the part is the little grey thing in you hand. This part actually holds the light bulb. In other words, the bulb has to be seated into this part before it can be inserted into the map light socket/dome.


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I have seen the bulbs with the holders in a few auto parts stores. Your going to have to look around for those, maybe someone on here parting out a S'ploder has a set for you. The bulb is a wedge bulb, 194's will fit but are to hot and will melt the plastic. Don't ask me how I know. Perhaps someone can chime in with the correct bulb type.

Thanks for the help. I could not find the part on my local parts stores but i think I found the part online. Downside is that they are only sold in packs of 10. Upside is they are $2.60 each.

Where did you find the part and what was it called? I just bought my Explorer and I've run into the same problem.

I didn't pay enough attention when i bought mine used and there were no bulbs in the dome. i've given up looking for the correct bulb cause it ticks me off. the ford guys can't get me the right ones..frustrating for sure. I don't even care at this point I'd pay $20 for the two of them.

They have them at K-Mart (The bulbs, its NOT a 194 style, its a style where the connections are on both ends, one end is - one end is +)

As for the little part your talking about, your best bet would probably be going to a junkyard and snagging a few...

As mentioned above, I had to buy 10 so I have plenty of extra. I will be happy to send a couple to you.

Realtytruck and Jkyle313:

I will be happy to send a couple of the extras I had to by to you. Contact me with your address.

I tore out mine and replaced them with 194 sockets, with led bulbs a couple of years ago. I could post a how to, if I get time. I got tired of always ripping the circuit board that lit the stock bulbs.



These pictures should be a good reference.

Thank you very much. Seems so odd that I can't find any threads about how to replace the stock bulbs with stock bulbs... Everyone seems to have migrated to LEDs. I would do that, but I seem to get the console down. One of the wiring harnesses seems to get stuck. I'll try to take a picture and post it later in case you have any suggestions. Thanks again

Thank you very much. Seems so odd that I can't find any threads about how to replace the stock bulbs with stock bulbs... Everyone seems to have migrated to LEDs. I would do that, but I seem to get the console down. One of the wiring harnesses seems to get stuck. I'll try to take a picture and post it later in case you have any suggestions. Thanks again

The connector for the overhead console has a tab that you need to press down before disconnecting it. It’s a bit hard to do because you have to reach behind the console, but press down on the tab and it’ll disconnect. It just takes some time.

I was able to disconnect the connector, but then there was one more harness in there that sort of rotated and appeared to be connected permanently... I owe you a picture

Same idea, some parts the same (194 light sockets and pigtails), I removed the black grates from the reflectors though. No drilling or cutting. Zevo led bulbs
