Max tire size, no lift, Sport model | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Max tire size, no lift, Sport model


Well-Known Member
April 1, 2009
Reaction score
City, State
Johnstown, Pennsylvania
Year, Model & Trim Level
2003 Jeep Liberty
I keep reading all these tire charts and what not, but they all seem to be for regular explorers with 15 inch rims. I have 16 inch rims and wonder what is the max size I can fit on there without lifting or trimming. My tire size now is 255/70/r16. Thanks :D

Tire diameter isn't dictated by wheel diameter - the front wheel wells are still the same size between the 2 door and 4 door. Backspacing might be different but it should be negligible.

I was wondering the same thing so I contacted a few guys on this site. I have been told that probably the biggest tire you can fit is probably a 285/70/16. They sent pictures and it looks good but it looks a lot better when u add some shackles and do a little twisting on the front.good luck

Can you post some of those pictures up for me to see? I'd appreciate it. :thumbsup:
