Maxi-Trac Awning | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Maxi-Trac Awning


Staff member
Elite Explorer
March 14, 2005
Reaction score
Mesa AZ
City, State
Year, Model & Trim Level
2000 EB Explorer 5.0
Ok, I know this is gonna sound like an ad, since I work for them, however, I have seen the reviews on Youtube and they are all great. An 8'x8' roof rack mounted awning for 99.99. All I know is we can't keep them stocked. If we get 2 in, they are sold within a day or two with more folks asking for them.
If this breaks the rules of the forums, let me know (I know, I should know the rules already...)

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Well damn, how about a pic? I want to see one now! ;)

Best I can do til I get one...


Not that I'm aware of

All the information I have:

Attached Screens: No
Canopy Size: 8 ft
Closure Type: Zipper
Contains VOCs: No
Contents: (1) Instruction Manual, (2) Galvanised Steel Ground Peg, (2) Black Powdercoated Steel L - Bracket, (2) Black Powdercoated Steel Backing Plate,(2) 2.7 m Rope with Plastic Fixed Unit, (4) S304 M8 X 20 mm Bolt, (4) SS304 M8 X 55 mm Bolt, (8) SS304 M8 Nylock Nut, (1) Carry Bag
Flame Resistant: No
Material: Polyester
Person Quantity: 4
Pole Quantity: 4
Poles Required: Yes
Pre-Attached Poles: Yes
SDS Required: No
Underlay Required: No
Wall Material Thickness: 1 mm
Waterproof: Yes
Weather Resistant: Yes

Oh, it's cheaper. I was just checking out the Smittybilt awning on 4wheelonline. Hope the awning is made of heavy-duty material.

I heard the arb awning walls fit this. Napa also has a aaa discount so you can get it for even less!

Funny how the add picture has it set up wrong. There are fold out side poles that those velcro tabs attach too so it is rigid on all four sides. I have a ARB knockoff that I got off Ebay for about $70. They went up to over $100 right after I made the purchase. Its lasted a few years but I don't use it very often.

These are the hot item on all the Overlanding pages right now. LOL
You get what you pay for, on a lot of these items, but sometimes, the cheaper versions work, or can be made to work just as well. They are just not used much, and should last if taken care of properly. Then again, at this price, you can afford to thrash em, and replace em, as needed.

Mine got wind damaged. On a breezy day, before I could put out the guide lines, the wind whipped it up and tore out the ends of the cheap, super thin aluminum side rods. I reinforced them with some steel conduit that was a press fit into the ends. I also used some spacers and washers to strengthen the entire pivot area for the rods. Its been fine since. I did poke a hole in it last time I used it with the awning pole end as its awkward to put away solo. Repaired it with some vinyl glue.

I modified my home made roof rack with these home made brackets so I could bolt the awning down on either side of the Explorer in three places, front, back, middle. I only have the awning on the Explorer in the summer months. If I am going somewhere that is forested I will remove it to keep it from being damaged. It takes about 5 minutes to install or remove it.

