May 2014 TOTM Nominations - 4nd Generation Rigs | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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May 2014 TOTM Nominations - 4nd Generation Rigs


Elite Explorer
Moderator Emeritus
October 20, 2004
Reaction score
City, State
Pulaski, TN
Year, Model & Trim Level
1991 Explorer/2002 F-250
It is now time for the May Nomination thread for out TOTM!

This is for all 2006 - 2010 4th generation Ford Explorer, Mercury Mountaineer's.

Post your picture in this thread before the end of May 20th!

:bounce::bounce::bounce:Don't Forget! The winner will receive a 6 month Elite Explorer Membership (or a addition to your current membership). :bounce::bounce::bounce:


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Here's mine


Only two?

As I've said before, it may be best to make this a headline each month on the homepage to get better traffic? There was another 4th gen I would post up, but the user isn't active anymore, so it'd be a waste if he/she won.




idk if im to late or not

...I like that picture..:biggthump

Voting threat coming soon.

I forgot to have another mod do this last week. I was at a week long bible camp with no internet access.

Sorry for the delay. It will be up today!

Voting threat coming soon.

I forgot to have another mod do this last week. I was at a week long bible camp with no internet access.

Sorry for the delay. It will be up today!

I've never threatened anyone when I voted for them, so this will be new.... :D
