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Meet Shella

Hello all.

I'm Chris from Denver, Colorado here to intorduce you'll to Shella my pride and joy for the last 6 years now.


When I first got the X it was bone stock no modifications at all. Here the only thing that I did was do black out front and rear and 15% tint all the way around.

After that I got a really good hook up on a set of black rims from a buddy of mine and out 32s on stock ride height.


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So after the new rims and semi used tires it was time to ball out of control





Here in this picture both my X and turbo Legacy are sitting at stock ride height


So after some extreme back and forth about keeping the X or getting rid of it to get a new rig to actually lift and take wheeling I decided to find a affordable lift for the time being. So I ordered up a shackle and torsion key kit off ebay and we set out to bust the work out.

Stock Height

New parts


New keys going in and alot of thanks to my buddy Kyle for looking like he is actually doing something


Sorry I didn't get any afterwords pictures right away but after the lift I started to make it look like a actual rig that should be off road. Started the prosses by building a custom rear bumper to change up the look.


No real good images I would like to post with it finished that doesn't have my plate in it. But to make the rear plastic flow into the tube rear bumper I set to work cutting up some plastic and the steel behind the plastic.



After the trimming was done it was time to take care of that a#s end sag thanks to those mono leafs in the rear, and a special thanks to my wife for helping me get the four door leaf springs in.


Thanks to my brakes needing to be changed I felt like I needed a little extra braking power up front, and yes all my suspension is now painted purple and the frame is sprayed in duplicolor bed liner


This is so far all the picture's I have taken. Stay tuned I got some great photos about to turn out with the new tires, trimming for the new tires, and all the black plastic's painted in bed liner.

Great looking truck! cant wait for the pics!

Good looking sport. Keep the pictures coming.

So here's the side profile without the front black plastics on so I can actually get around with some steering.

I wanted to keep the inner fenders so I did some trimming on them to make sure they would fit without the tire rubbing on it. As I got them in I had to make a straight cut so now the part that sticks down in this picture isn't there anymore.


Had to get the cut on to make sure I could get full steer with no bind. The fender was trimmed a bit and we had to cut some of this pintch weld to get the clearance then followed it all up with bed liner to make it look good and cover up the cuts


Better picture of the inside


Got all the trim painted black in the bed liner


Had some nice cuts on the trim piece on the lower fender to match the cuts on the fender we made I'll have to get a picture of that for y'all


Here's a better picture of the rear bumper with the hi lift on it. Hopefully soon it won't be on the bumper and up on the roof when my partner at our shop gets my roof rack finished up.


Oh and I totally forgot to tell you all about this.


Comp built box, auto wrapped inside, auto wrapped back hatch. You know all the fun stuff.

nice x

Nice! Any close up pics of the rear panels u trimmed, dont think I have ever seen that done before. Flows really well with your tube bumper.

Any big benefits to installing those torsion keys over just jacking up the torsion bars?? Not sure I have seen those before installed.

I don't have to many photo's of the triming of the rear I was tired from the nght before, I was in the Colorado Aurora Theater 9 shooting and after that experience I had to go to the shop and do something so I just sat down with a sawza and a razer knife and cut everything how I wanted. Uh lets see the torsion keys actually are away to take out the old one and the new keys are alot thicker and actually have stampings on what size lift I wanna get out of the front. I have been looking alot on here lately and I wanna get rid of the torsion set up and go with the coilovers like I've seen a couple people doing. But other wise we have been catching alot of snow up here in Colorado over the last month down in the foot hills and I've been getting some good pictures. Check these out

Here's one right when we started to get snow storm's back to back

And these were from today when we rolld up to our friend's new shop and we found this snow pile out front

I was telling Mike my bestfriend/shop partner we should have gone all the way up to the top of the pile or atleast till we hit the sign

Mate, bit of advice, if you're going to custom fab a rear bar you're better off putting a tyre swing arm on it and moving it out from the bottom. Also that jack on the lower ass is a terrible spot, as you going into huge ruts and up hills you will smash it hard. Other than that looks sick!
