Meet your new obnoxious forum brother (member). | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Meet your new obnoxious forum brother (member).


Elite Explorer
June 21, 2009
Reaction score
City, State
South Florida
Year, Model & Trim Level
2002 Explorer Sport 4x2
So, I just traded in my 2006 Pontiac Solstice this afternoon on a more utilitarian vehicle. I just bought a 2002 Ford Exploder Sport 2-Door w/ 35k miles on it. It's immaculate.

I'm pretty pleased with it so far, and it really does appear to be in good shape. Here are the dealer pictures before I bought it. I'll take some shots in the next couple of days but it's too dark right now.


I think this is the board I'm supposed to be in, right? I've got a 2002 but I guess it's still a 2001 platform?

Anyway, I'm really pleased with it so far. Apparently it came with a 6-DISC factory Pioneer CD player. It looks like it's also got a factory subwoofer in it as well? The little compartment on the rear passenger side isn't a compartment in this one, just a big speaker. I can hear it distort badly, so I'm guessing it's probably blown.

It's not a 4x4, unfortunately... but I figured maybe down the line I would buy a wrecked sport and just bolt all the crap on. I figure the only other things I need are the wiring harnesses, the switches, probably the ECM, and the dash cluster... but that's for another time.

Anyway, just introducing myself as an official owner.

2008 Jeep Patriot
2002 Ford Crown Victoria LX-P74
2002 Ford Explorer Sport
1987 Pontiac Fiero SE / V6
1973 Volkswagen Type-2 Transporter

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Great, I already have one obnoxious brother - oh, wait that's my blood brother.

Anyway, welcome to the show;).

I am the old man with 400 posts in 8 years. I lurk, pick up good tips and helpful ideas, and every once in a great while add something of marginal value.

FWIW, there are some really knowledgable folks on here. And helpful, too.

Thanks guys, I appreciate it. Yeah, this car has been pretty cool so far. I don't mind so much that it's an SUV either.

Would someone mind moving this back to 1995-2001 Stock Ford Explorer section?

It says this on the current forums (Sport (2dr) owners use the '95 - '01 forum.)

Which is what I am, a 2dr.


2008 Jeep Patriot
2002 Ford Crown Victoria LX-P74
2002 Ford Explorer Sport
1987 Pontiac Fiero SE / V6
1973 Volkswagen Type-2 Transporter

can't help you there, buddy, but I can say that you have not been obnoxious enough to match your original intro. :thumbsup:

(free bump)

can't help you there, buddy, but I can say that you have not been obnoxious enough to match your original intro. :thumbsup:

(free bump)

Hah, thanks. Figured I'd take it easy, I'm trying not to get banned in the first few days.

Hah, thanks. Figured I'd take it easy, I'm trying not to get banned in the first few days.

Yeah, you have plenty of time to work on that later.:p:
