Mercon V or Mercon 3? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Mercon V or Mercon 3?


Well-Known Member
February 9, 2001
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Dover, NH
Year, Model & Trim Level
2000 XLT
hi guys,
Ive got a 00 XLT with the SHOC 5spd Automatic Tranny
i just picked up some Mercon V to swap into my 00 XLT. I then did a little reading on the site and determined that V was a full syn fluid.
This accounts for the price difference between V and 3. Cases of Mercon V go for $40 and Mercon 3 goes for $12.
Would I be ok to use the 3 in my tranny or should I stick with what the owners manual calls for which was V.

I didnt know if this was my choice (like synthetic or dino oil) in which I just use dino and swap out every 3k.

thanks in advance

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You must use Mercon V.

Thanks Brad,
I appreciate the quick reply

Mercon V is not a full synthetic; its semi synthetic.

Al is correct, it's a semi synthetic. You can get full synthetic versions, such as Amsoil or Redline D4.

Yep. Mercon V is right. Listen to the members here they have more experience with our beloved Explorer more than anyone on the outside world. Just for the hell of it, I asked the auto parts store what I should put on my '97 Explorer and this is what I got:

Pepboys: Mercon III
RS Strause: Type F
Autozone: Any Mercon Tranny Fluid.


X-Factor...... Ford didnt switch to V until 98 or 99 (cant remember which). my 96 doesnt take V.

type f is for old ford trannies, dont use it in the newer ones!

all mercon is not the same, use what the manual calls for or better.... dont skimp on the tranny... ford is not known for its bulletproof trannies until you get into the c series transmissions that werent computer controlled....... like the old ones....

What?!? I just flushed my '97 tranny and Mercon V is what I have in there now. Would that cause any damage to the tranny?

When I did the search I didn't bother with everyone's model year at all... damn, this is not good. :(

So what do you use for your '96 JamesT?

dont worry, you'll be fine with V. i run B&M Trick Shift synthetic in mine. its rated as a III.

mercon 5 is fine.... just dont run a lesser version than what your truck wants........ like dont run type f or type 1 through a system that calls for type 5

Wheeww!!! That's good to know. Thanks, James, Jimmy.

I run Mobil 1 ATF in my 99 and its not Merc V compatable.

aldive, according to mobil 1, it is fine....

"Applications: Provides performance superior to GM Dexron® III and Mercon® in all domestic and imported cars and most automatic truck transmissions."

I just bought a 97 Sport 5spd--runs fine but it shifts harder then the rebuilt one in my 91--would Mercon V make it shift easier?


I run Mobil 1 ATF in the a/t, xfer case, and p/s of my 96 x. I also ran it in my 94 x.

My trannie uses mercon V 1997 model year. The dipstick for the trannie says use mercon v right on it so I am guessing that was the year they switched.


Yep, 1997 was the first year for Mercon V, with the 5r55e tranny.

Originally posted by jimabena74
type f is for old ford trannies, dont use it in the newer ones!

all mercon is not the same, use what the manual calls for or better.... dont skimp on the tranny... ford is not known for its bulletproof trannies until you get into the c series transmissions that werent computer controlled....... like the old ones....
My uncle's C4 in his '79 Bronco is still going. I forget what is in that Bronco (302 I think) but it is still going at over 300K miles.

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Originally posted by james t
X-Factor...... Ford didnt switch to V until 98 or 99 (cant remember which). my 96 doesnt take V.

They switched in 97, the first year for the 5R55E.

Edit:Oops, guess I should read the whole thread first :rolleyes:
