Message Centre & EATC conversion kit | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Message Centre & EATC conversion kit

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I'm selling all the bits that you'd need to install the message centre and electronic automatic climate control into a 2nd gen explorer


The only thing I don't have is the sensor for the engine oil level.

looking for C$175 Shipped anywhere


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Bump for revised price, need this gone asap... Pickle fund is running low....


how much for it now?

In case I missed it is that U.S. or C $

Ughhh I want this so bad but I don't think my wallet can take it right now.

Free bump anyways

if you can come up with a good offer, I'll throw in a dark grey driver's visor with homelink...


how much for just the a/c control? and how to ship to canada?

I really can't use the message center, you sure you won't sell all the eatc stuff separately?

Homelink in dark grey?

Do you have both of the visors in dark grey!?!?!?!

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