Mishimoto's Explorer ST Catch Can Thread | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Mishimoto's Explorer ST Catch Can Thread


June 1, 2021
Reaction score
City, State
New Castle, DE
Year, Model & Trim Level
2021 ST
Hello Explorer Forums!

Nick here from Mishimoto! I just wast wanted to kick off this thread to let you guys know that we've been working on a direct-fit catch can kit for the 3.0T EB under the hood of these ST's. Make sure that you head over to our blog to check out the full scoop on our R&D process!



No matter the vehicle segment, however, any and all internal combustion engines suffer from the same nasty side-effect – blow-by, Explorer ST included. To put it simply, blow-by is when oil and fuel droplets are mixed in with recycled crankcase pressure. Some combustion gasses make their way past the piston rings during the power stroke and pressurize the crankcase. In the olden days, this pressure was relieved by venting to the atmosphere, which spewed harmful emissions, not to mention slick oil on the roads. Now, though, this pressure is routed and recycled through the intake via the positive crankcase ventilation (PCV) system, fuel, and oil, and all. The blow-by mixture will collect on the engine’s intake components, specifically the intake valves, resulting in sticky carbon buildup, which detracts from the sport part of your sport utility vehicle. For a more in-depth look at blow-by, make sure you check out our full tech article: Blow-By 101: What is Blow-By and How to Keep it from Ruining your Engine.

The easiest means of mitigating the issue of blow-by is with a catch can. Our catch cans mount in line with the PCV system and separate the blow-by from the air running through the system. The sudden addition of volume, combined with an internal baffle, allows the fuel and oil vapors to condense and collect in the bottom of the can rather than on the EcoBoost’s intake valves. For a last line of defense, we also incorporate a bronze filter in our cans that trap any rogue droplets still looking to stick on the intake components.


Feel free to reach out with any questions that you might have, and also make sure that you stay tuned for more info on our catch can, AND more upcoming Explorer ST R&D.


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Just so you know, your competition, namely JLT makes a catch can for the 3.0 EB in the explorer that installs in about 20 mins and has easy access to empty the can and can be purchased for ~ 150 on amazon. So now you have a price point to meet or beat.

Here is mine installed.


Hello Explorer Forums!

Nick here from Mishimoto! I just wast wanted to kick off this thread to let you guys know that we've been working on a direct-fit catch can kit for the 3.0T EB under the hood of these ST's. Make sure that you head over to our blog to check out the full scoop on our R&D process!

Welcome to the Forum Nick. :wave:
Nice to see another EF Vendor contributing to the Forum.


Hey Guys!

Just wanted to bump this up and let you know that we're going to have some more info for you coming soon!


Hey Guys!

As promised, we have more info on our upcoming catch can kit for your STs! Make sure that you hit the link below to get the full look at our kit!



As every enthusiast grows, so do their vehicles of choice. Naturally, this calls for a compromise, where speed and 0-60 times give way to practicality and MPG ratings. Luckily, Ford knew many of us enthusiasts weren’t ready to compromise just yet and delivered the perfect middle ground in the form of an Explorer brandishing the ST badge. This Explorer might seem like a compromise, but it still grows with you.

The same can be said for the blow-by produced by the 3.0L EcoBoost. The ST trimmed Explorers might be a new addition to Ford’s lineup, but the more miles they soak up, the more of the murky stuff that makes its way back through the intake tract. Case in point, our collections. In the case of the Explorer ST, we had the opportunity to collect blow-by after our typical 1000-mile preliminary test period, as well as after 2300 miles.


Our kit is also now on presale as well, so make sure that you grab yours today before our special discounted pricing ends!



As always, don't hesitate to reach out with any questions that you might have!


On sale for $184??? Regular price is $266??? Wow

On sale for $184??? Regular price is $266??? Wow
I bought a JLT for a buck 50 off amazon, regular price. There is no reason a catch can needs to be priced above $150, I mean it's just a catch can not a nuclear reactor.

Most of this kind of stuff is pretty low volume. The engineering and manufacturing startup costs are generally fixed regardless of how many units are sold, so the low sales volume can really drive up the per unit price if the manufacturer is gong to make some profit. I'm not saying it's worth the price, just that there are many factors that drive the price to the customer.

Most of this kind of stuff is pretty low volume. The engineering and manufacturing startup costs are generally fixed regardless of how many units are sold, so the low sales volume can really drive up the per unit price if the manufacturer is gong to make some profit. I'm not saying it's worth the price, just that there are many factors that drive the price to the customer.

If other companies can do it... And coming in 2 years after the release of the 6th gen and pricing their stuff far above the competition is well...

I work in manufacturing, so I understand all that. But like I said, it's just a catch can, an average 10 year old could design one. I thought the buck 50 I paid for the JLT was expensive, but it was the cheapest option available.

If other companies can do it... And coming in 2 years after the release of the 6th gen and pricing their stuff far above the competition is well...
The price is not to far out of line, and is actually in the middle of the price range. UPR also has a catch can for the ST and it sells for 4 bills

Don't misunderstand me, the mishi is too expensive, hell so is the JLT. But the UPR is way out of line for a ****ing catch can. As simple as a catch can is, they should be priced between 75 and 100 bucks.

I bought a JLT for a buck 50 off amazon, regular price. There is no reason a catch can needs to be priced above $150, I mean it's just a catch can not a nuclear reactor.

Hey Guys!

Just wanted to jump in here and say we hear you on pricing! While we aim to keep our prices competitive in the catch can market, we're always conscious that every customer out there has a budget they need to stick to. This is why we always offer super discounted introductory pricing and periodic sales on our products.

That all said, you get what you pay for, but keeping your intake components safe is priceless. When it comes to our kit, we have plenty to offer in terms of protection for your 3.0EB. For starters, our robust steel bracket offers a secure mounting point, with a pair of pre-molded which already include OEM-styled fittings for a simplified install that looks right at home under the hood. The real star of the show is our catch can design, though. Our design features a baffle plate to improve condensation of blow-by inside of the can and a more thorough cleansing of the recirculated air. For further protection, we also incorporated a 50-micron bronze filter into our catch can which prevents any rogue oil or fuel droplets from escaping back into your system. Finally, for a final touch of toughness, our can's fittings are constructed from CNC-machined aluminum and the whole can is sealed with Viton O-rings.

At the end of the day, though, its YOUR Explorer, and being a company made up of enthusiasts, we know the puzzle of picking the right parts for your mods. While we always hope that you choose our products for your vehicles, but would rather you pick the option that works best for you!


What about a short term JLT price match sale for members of this forum until the end of 2021?

I bought a JLT for a buck 50 off amazon, regular price. There is no reason a catch can needs to be priced above $150, I mean it's just a catch can not a nuclear reactor.

ST does not need a catch can. They already come with an internal catch can my FORD mechanic said.

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