MLK Truckhaven Potluck | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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MLK Truckhaven Potluck


Admin's Wife, Explorer Babe
Staff member
Elite Explorer
February 10, 1999
Reaction score
City, State
Year, Model & Trim Level
1993 Explorer XLT

Annual potluck dinner will be on Saturday night, usually around 7:00 pm. Trail break down dependent.

EVERYONE is welcome to eat even if you don't bring a dish.
Supply your own main dish and beverages, plus a dish to share.

Post what you are bringing and I will update this post as people sign-up so you don't have to scroll the whole thread. Any questions, post here as well.

Main Dishes
Fried Turkey - 94explorer2x4

Chips & Dip/Salsa - grant00

Side Dishes/Veggies/Salads
Noodle Kugel - Rick & Char
Sarah's Caesar Salad - BKennedy
Coleslaw - DaExplorer
Tamales - Maniak
Beans - grant00

Keeper0311 - cinnamon buns or something along those lines.

Condiments/Plastic Ware/Miscellaneous (tables, grills)
Paper plates - CjExplorer

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Put me down for bringing some coleslaw.

My son CjExplorer will bring paper plates.

I'll bring a couple dozen homemade tamales again..


Deep fried turkey should I bring one or 2? They are 14lbs, Also if any one has anything they want to deep fry like frys or chips anything just bring it and we can throw it in after the turkey. No fish please It will make the oil taste funny if you want to do shrimp I think I will be able to handle that.

Won't be able to make it out there saturday. So, no ReEtte's potato salad.:( I'll be there sunday.

Char, down one for me. :D

Dude, you want Char to down a whole turkey????:rolleyes::rolleyes::p:;)

I would pay a dollar to see that. :D
Two turkeys it is!! whos gonna bring the cranberry?

I can bring some beans if someone can cook them.... and ill bring chips too.

I can bring some beans if someone can cook them.... and ill bring chips too.

I'm sure we can cook them, bring a pot, in case. Are you gonna bring dip/ salsa or just chips? You don't have to bring dip/salsa, just want to make sure.

I'm sure we can cook them, bring a pot, in case. Are you gonna bring dip/ salsa or just chips? You don't have to bring dip/salsa, just want to make sure.

Yeah I will bring dip or salsa and I dont really have a pot seeing I live in dorms...haha

Stick a can near the fire and cook them bad boys.

Are you gonna bring some more MRE's for us? :p:

I'll bring something....Maybe bread, rolls or something like that.
