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Moab Caravan

Diff Whack Daddy

And the Roll Over Posse! Under the Hood Moderator
Elite Explorer
Moderator Emeritus
February 19, 1999
Reaction score
City, State
Mount Vernon, WA
Year, Model & Trim Level
1st Gen XLT 4dr
Who all from the PNW is going down to Moab this year? I know JR, Painter Ken, and DWD are all highly likelies, and I also have a buddy with a CDL that wants to go. He drives a heep, but I'll forgive him for now.

Do we want to caravan down or just meet along the road. I am slow, so I usually leave on a Tuesday night, bust out about 300 miles to the Yakima area, and then derive alll day Thursady to a rest stop about 200 miles from Moab for a noon arival on THusrsday to get 3 full days (Friday, Saturday, and Sunday) of wheeling. I then make a mad 2 day dash back home Monday and Tuesday.

Let me know who's in.

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That schedule sounds pretty good to me.

I'm not sure what 'Honey Do' and 'Nintendo boy' will do. That would pull him out of school for a week. :thumbdwn: but seeing Moab :thumbsup:

Maybe it'll be me and Lucy :D

Phil, if we have enough people, we might be able to use my buddies CDL and get all the rigs behind a semi. I could then tow the Casa de Blanco behind the F-350. The only way to make it financally feasible is if everyone is onboard and pitches in a little.

Phil, if we have enough people, we might be able to use my buddies CDL and get all the rigs behind a semi. I could then tow the Casa de Blanco behind the F-350. The only way to make it financally feasible is if everyone is onboard and pitches in a little.

what is the speed rating on tires that are Casa de blanco?:D

What are we talking for costs?

what is the speed rating on tires that are Casa de blanco?:D

What are we talking for costs?

Unil it blows, throw on the spare, repeat. Stop at Walmart for replacements as needed :D

Not sure on the cost. Checking interest first. I know that loaded a semi will get about 5.5mpgs, but I will gain 3 mpg's withouth the Explorer behind me, and I am sure JR will too.

Unil it blows, throw on the spare, repeat. Stop at Walmart for replacements as needed :D

Not sure on the cost. Checking interest first. I know that loaded a semi will get about 5.5mpgs, but I will gain 3 mpg's withouth the Explorer behind me, and I am sure JR will too.

Screw that! :p: le Maison de blanc goes on the trailer too.

So you guys will save about,,,,,,,,,,,$200 in fuel?


Definitely in... have every intention of fixing my rear shock / spring issue by then. . .

Still probably do the one-day trek to Moab - - just not enough time for a multi-day trip.

'91 Sport

So Phil how fast do you feel comfortable driving will towing? 65?

I am more of the 65 to 70 range, but only for fuel milage purposes.

Kev -

Is the CDL hauled trailer still an option? Not sure what the cost would be, but am really interested if its still on the table... Would then get to ride a motorcycle down, which is something I've always wanted to do. . .


It's still an option. I will talk to my buddy againg within the week and see what he can figure out.



Lets start nailing down plans

Okay, first off Paul, sorry for the wait. We are unable to aquire anything big enough to haul more than one truck so it's a kind of free for all on how to get your rigs there. As I stated earlier I will be leaving the evening ofTuesday the 18th and meeting Ken at Wildhorse Resort Casino 72777 Hwy. 331 Pendleton, OR 97801. They have free overnite RV parking and it is a good spot for people traveling the 84 or 90 to meet after they combine. It is marked point A on the attached google map.

Looking at a departure time of 8 am or so, the drive Wednesay is a long trek, 650 to 700 miles depending on the map software, hopefully Phil won't get too grumpy :). To a small rest area(point B on google map) on US 6 in Utah. This puts us roughly 150 miles from Canyonlands campground (Point C is where google thinks it is, D is where I know it is). Anyway, this puts into Moab at about 12 to 1pm or so and gives us penty of time to relax and set up camp. Here is the map, PM me if you plan on meeting us or wish to caravan with someone close to you, ie, JR and Ken, Me and Phil and we can further coordinate.
Anyway, here is a link to the google map.

Let me know what everyone thinks and who plans to caravan and where they want to meet.

I will meet you at the wildhorse, I am planning to head south to Portland then take the 84 east

I will meet you at the wildhorse, I am planning to head south to Portland then take the 84 east

That is the way mt brother in law Ken goes as well if you want to met up with him and caravan to the wildhorse. Let me know and I'll get you his contact info.

Canyonland reservations made for two pull through water and electric sites. No need for full hook ups since I use the bathrooms and showers there and am too busy offroading to worry about cable TV:)

If you want to get a site close to me or Ken, we are listed as Kevin McInchak and Ken Wakefield.

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Okay, first off Paul, sorry for the wait. We are unable to aquire anything big enough to haul more than one truck so it's a kind of free for all on how to get your rigs there. Let me know what everyone thinks and who plans to caravan and where they want to meet.

Kevin -

No worries on the CDL truck, thanks for the effort though. . .
I've got a buddy that plans on loaning me his motorcycle trailer, so I may bring the Buell down behind the Explorer and spend a few days riding the easy trails on two wheels...

If that plan works out, I'm probably heading out of Tacoma as early as Saturday, the 16th, maybe coming back as late as Monday, the 24th.

'91 Sport

P.S. May need to head north with several cases of Busch Light - - think I'll need your welding skills for traction bar mounting and new rear shock mounts...:help:
