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Moab Caravan

How much yacking goes on the CB? I have a extra CB but it is not in my truck

I have an extra magnetic antenna if you need it.

I don't think we'll be yackin constantly but I'll bet we'll talk about you if you can't hear us ;)

It will make the trip less boring. Your shot gun person can read to us from the 'Wells' book :D

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So it looks like the first night stop will be CB setup. I have to do the same for Ken. I'll bring the SWR meter.

Already have one in the truck :p: remember?

Supprised? :rolleyes:

I was talking about Ken and Joe

Not sure how I jumped threads last night, but I moved the posts back to the right thread.

Oh yeah,
6 DAYS AND A WAKE UP :bounce:

Well, since I got the go ahead from the wife last night to leave early, I am going to go for it. I am going to leave Sunday morning and plan for a Monday Evening arrival in Moab.

JR, Ken is going to hang back and leave as schedule Tuesday afternoon with you as he still has stuff he's finishing up on his Exploer. YOU KNOW HOW HE IS WITH COMPUTERS, so you'll have to call him to make anymore detailed arrangements. Let me know if you need his number again and I'll PM it to you.

Phil, that gives you the two options. Sunday with me or Tuesday with Ken and JR.

Well, since I got the go ahead from the wife last night to leave early, I am going to go for it. I am going to leave Sunday morning and plan for a Monday Evening arrival in Moab.

Phil, Sunday with me :thumbsup:

Yeah, yeah, yeah. I'm workin on it!

Current conditions in Moab

59* and cloudy. Expected high 71*

Showers in the morning, high of 74*

The high for our day of arrival (Monday) is 88*

Forecast calls for mostly sunny the entire time we're there with highs in the mid 80's.

Well, I think I have all my 'stuff' put together, just need to throw it in the rig, hook up the trailer and GO!

15hrs and counting.

Well, I think I have all my 'stuff' put together, just need to throw it in the rig, hook up the trailer and GO!

15hrs and counting.

I will be calling Ken tomorrow and see what our driving schedule will be if he has a relief driver we could possibly arrive Wednesday evening

I will be calling Ken tomorrow and see what our driving schedule will be if he has a relief driver we could possibly arrive Wednesday evening

I don't think he currently has a relief driver, but you might be able to convince him to get one.

7 hours to lift-off!:bounce::bounce::bounce::burnout::burnout:

Well with you guys leaving early I guess I don't have to worry about rollin coal on you

Well with you guys leaving early I guess I don't have to worry about rollin coal on you

I am sure I'll get the "Albino" at least once or twice.

Hey Ho


Now who's being pushy!

First leg of the journey is done. We made good time so we pushed through an extra 90 miles past the casino to Weatherby at a rest area at mile post 335.

520 miles planned for tomorrow to the little rest area on US 6 in Utah.

DWD...even out of state you figured out how to double post...I am impressed!

EDIT: dammit....mods can make it look like there was no double post....

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I am out of time, I did not get everything done I wanted to get done but everything that needed attention got it, time to get everything loaded
