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Mobile Video


Well-Known Member
July 2, 2002
Reaction score
City, State
austin, texas
Year, Model & Trim Level
98 eddie bauer
Ok guys, since the funds are now available to do some mobile video, I still need to make sure of a few things and get some opinions on some others. First off, i'd like this to look nice and not just have wires all over the place so in the rest of this post, keep that in mind. Now, i'd like to have a couple screens. I have 2 different ways i'd like to go tho, so I need some opinions here:
1) 1 indash 6.5" or 7" NAME BRAND(clarion, pioneer, alpine) monitor and 2 5.6" Screens in the back of each front seat headrest


2) 4 5.6" screens, 2 in the headrests, and 2 in the front sun visors.

I'm thinkin that after installation, option 1 would be quite a bit more expensive. The indash monitors i've been lookin at dont HAVE to have the built in cd player or dvd player because either route I go, i'd like to be able to hook up my ps2. What equipment along with the screens to I have to purchase, please list ALL(inverters, modulators etc..) For those of you who have installed screens before, is it a very difficult thing to do? I wouldn't say i'm really skilled at this kind of stuff so if it requires a bunch of work, let me know. All of this stuff will be going into a bone stock 98 Eddie Bauer explorer. Do you think i'd have to worry about getting a new higher output alternator? Thanks to any of you who can shed a bit of light here. Also, if you know of any online message boards or websites that could be of help here, let me know! Thanks in advance!

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sorry, but i cant help you much...just wanted to say taht option 2 is exactly what i want to do!

if you don't have to have a built in cd player for an indash then option 2 looks good. but when i first read the two options i was with #1 all the way. to hook up ps2 you would need an fm modulator-best buy (or equivilant)-$35. It doesn't take that much skill to do- me and my friend installed option 1 into his 01 silverado and it took us 1 1/2 hours. Also you WOULDN'T need to get a new high output alternator. Screens don't rquire that much power. good luck!

Option 1 is basically what im gonna do. But my head unit a pioneer DEH-8400mp has LCD and AUX audio inputs. The LCD screen I want for the dash is the Pioneer AVX-P7300DVD. With 2 Pioneer AVD-W8000s in the Head rests. Im goning to do the main DVD and flip out LCD first and then later the extra LCDs. I have the deck already but going to wait until boxing day to buy the indash LCD.

Here are the pics

the deck
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the In-dash LCD
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and the rear LCDs
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you may want to take a look at the Kenwood monitor mounting system, it replaced the rear grab bar(s) and places the monitor right above the seat and is adjustable, up/down-side/side. When I add mobile video in my X I will be using the Kenwood mounts and a remote mounted video source. and maybe one in each sun visor.

