Modified 2016 Police Interceptor Utility | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Modified 2016 Police Interceptor Utility


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February 21, 2016
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New England
Year, Model & Trim Level
2016 Police Interceptor
I signed up here, because I thought some would enjoy watching the progress of my companies 2016 Police Interceptor. This vehicle will be a Law Enforcement demonstration vehicle, which travels the area being shown to Police Agencies. It will of course have a ton of new police technology on board, but for the purpose of being here, it will also have all the fun stuff you all like. This will be an on going thread so check back for updates.

This is how it starts.... a relatively basic 2016 Police Interceptor Utility in grey with 18" alloys, and really tiny cop tires.




Stay tuned to follow the transformation, which will include; Black 22" TSW's, H&R Springs, and a boat load of police equipment and technology like a 12.1" in dash touch screen display and a host of LED warning and scene lighting.

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are those wheels standard or are they the "street package" or whatever they call it

Oh wow, you have fog lights on your interceptor and non steelies! I thought they only came with the steel wheels and fog lights. Is there are special unmarked version of the Explorer that comes from the factory now?

Oh wow, you have fog lights on your interceptor and non steelies! I thought they only came with the steel wheels and fog lights. Is there are special unmarked version of the Explorer that comes from the factory now?

My PD has a black 16 Explorer with those wheels as well. Very difficult to tell it is a PI because of how they now blend in with the rest of the explorers.

Looking forward to seeing the end result. I am a mfg rep for an emergency light company and have my Explorer Limited fully equipped. I will post up some pictures of it.

This does not have the street appearance package, but it did have the alloy wheel option, I believe. It also has carpet, which for me was a must. The fog lights are not fog lights, but OEM Ford/Whelen warning lights in the fog light housings. This was also an option. Most of the work is now complete, it just needs it's graphics. I also have a '13 Explorer Sport, and an '11 SHO.

Here are the wheels, installed. I used 22x9 TSW Donington's in Matte Black. I went with a 20mm offset to bring the wheels out to the fender more. H&R Springs to follow.



What company do you rep for?

I am installer for Whelen. I have lit up all the cars for the Whelen rep in my area.

Looking forward to the progress and pictures.

So H&R Springs were installed, along with Eibach camber bolts. The starting measurements from the center of the hub to the highest fender point was 18.5" in front and 20" in the back. For those interested this was exactly the same as my '13 Explorer Sport. I also measured a friends 2015 XLT, which was 3/4 of an inch higher in front and about an inch higher in the back.

Once the springs were installed, the ride dropped to 17.5"/F and 18" in back. It sits more level now. The 20mm offset on the 22's is almost perfect for this ride height. The photos aren't great, just yet. I will get better ones with more light when I can.



Sweet! So your saying the Sports and PI are at about the same ride height? I was wondering if the PI Springs were lower cause they seem to handle better. My unit at work has over 125 2016 PIU's :D

Looking forward to seeing the end result. I am a mfg rep for an emergency light company and have my Explorer Limited fully equipped. I will post up some pictures of it.

Would love to see this! please post some pics or you can send directly to me :D
Is it s "low Profile" interior install or you just mounted stuff in the open and drilled into the dash/panels?

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Yes confirmation that it is control, because of the red around the rotary knob switch.
I love the look of that smoked Legacy on the roof.
