Mountaineer Exterior Door Handle | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Mountaineer Exterior Door Handle

November 7, 2009
Reaction score
City, State
Emporia, KS
Year, Model & Trim Level
2000 Merc Mountaineer
My Mounty broke its exterior door handle today, took it apart and I can't get the thing off, I got the linkage off of it, but it is still attached by something, do you have to remove the rivets to even get the handle off? Is it all one piece? I found a couple threads on directions to do it, but the pics are not working on my computer. Does anyone have any pics of the process? Also, will this be all I need to replace the door handle?

Any help will be much appreciated!! Thanks, Robert

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drill out the rivets with a 1/4 inch bit and replace with 1/4 inch stainless screws.

I normally drill the rivets out and replace with Marsen # 42372 R-4079 peel rivets. Grip range .090-.115", 1/4" diameter. You can use a side cutter to cut the three "peels" off inside the door and just punch out the rivet from inside the door. Then use 1/4" x 1/2" flat socket head screws and 1/4" nylock nuts to hold the new handle on. This thread has some good pictures of the rivet peels:

scucci, That thread is awsome!

Yep, I will take 16 over 50 any day. Has anybody undertook the job of replacing the door hinge bushings? Passenger side is goin bad. Thanks for the help. This forum is awesome!!!!
