MSD 8241 coil opinions | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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MSD 8241 coil opinions


Jack from JackOffRoad
Elite Explorer
August 26, 2004
Reaction score
City, State
West Virginia
Year, Model & Trim Level
1993 2dr
So I have the MSD coils on my truck now.. surprisingly I can notice a difference. Smoother idle and acceleration, quicker starts, runs so much smoother on the interstate. The fact that one of the factory coils had a crack around the plug prbly contributed to the big difference. While I was putting the new coils on I noticed that a couple of my 2 month old Autolite wires were looking pretty bad off, 2 of them had broken clips that clip them to the coil towers. I was looking through the MSD book we have at work trying to find a set of MSD wires but couldnt find a set listed for the explorers. I did see a set for 94-95 mustang 5.0L though, would those work?

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is this msd unit anything like the screamn demon coil pack? I have the screamn demon and noticed a smoother idle and slightly better off idle throttle response, but nothing else.


How do you like the coil upgrade? What other brands make coils for the v8? Can you widen the gap of the plugs with the new coil? I've been wanting to upgrade!.

No. The 94-95 Mustang wires will not wrk as they used a distributor.

Taylor makes a nice set for Explorers. Call Summit. They don't stock them but they will order them.

The MSD coils are great.. i noticed a tremendous difference. i jumped from an average of 15.3 mpg to 16.8 mpg after my $60 homemade intake and the msd coils. thats not great gas mileage but its an increase. My cracked RH manifold is cripplin me still though. Headers and exhaust are next, that should help. BTW I out ran a brand new Impreza 2.5I if anyone cares lol
