Today (10-10-2020) I finished the lower intake gasket installation and got the used driver side valve cover installed.
No more coolant leak! I'm back to having 2 drivable vehicles out of 4.
Also along the way I installed the used throttle body I got off eBay. I still have a high idle issue, don't know why yet.
Might need to get the correct IAC motor. My TPS reading is .93 at idle and 4.50 at WOT so that looks good.
When all that was done I changed the oil again to make sure there wasn't any coolant in there etc.
The oil looked clean this time so I hope to go 3,000 miles on this oil and filter.
Also road tested and no more front end rattle, and I filed my tank and there is no gas smell or leaks! (from installing anti sway bar frame mount bushings and gas tank vent valve)
Engine with the lower intake manifold off. Looked pretty nasty in there. LOL
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New lower intake gasket, and both valve covers installed.
Excessive use of Ultra Copper RTV, it's like my signature on engine work. LOL
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