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My 2004 Explorer


Explorer Torture Tester
Elite Explorer
April 3, 2008
Reaction score
City, State
Gloucester City, NJ
Year, Model & Trim Level
98 2Dr,2,000 & 04 4dr xlt
I got a new to me 2004 Explorer today.
It has the 4.0 SOHC and automatic 4WD that I have come to appreciate.
It has transmission problems and transmission leaks.
There are other things that need attention as well.
I don't plan on leaving this stock.
My first modification is going to be an aluminum thermostat housing, since the plastic one is leaking. lol.
Edit: Aluminum Thermostat housing is done.
Edit2: Second to last picture is how it looks now.
Edit3: added engine picture from when I first brought it home.
Edit4: Supercharger is on.
2004 Explorer.jpg

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hey bro nice
how far are you going with this one ?
I got a new to me 2004 Explorer today.
It has the 4.0 SOHC and automatic 4WD that I have come to appreciate.
It has transmission problems and transmission leaks.
There are other things that need attention as well.
I don't plan on leaving this stock.
My first modification is going to be an aluminum thermostat housing, since the plastic one is leaking. lol.

How Far

I don't know, it depends on how long it holds up to my abuse. lol.

Dohc aviator block with an m-122

Looks good, I like it.

Check the tires, doesn't look like they match, that's an issue for the 4wd system.

Check the tires, doesn't look like they match, that's an issue for the 4wd system.

What he said, I bet a match set will clean up the transmission issues on your car.

2004 Explorer

This thing is heavy. It has the third row seating, which I am not fond of.
It also has the rear auxiliary climate control, which I don't need.
It is my first drive by wire vehicle, not thrilled by that either.

I didn't even notice the tires at first, then I was looking the picture after I posted it and was like what? White letters on front and not the back. lol.
It may very well be that one of the symptoms that the previous owner thought was a transmission problem is in fact the automatic transfer case kicking in and out.
There is what appears to be transmission fluid dripping from the bellhousing area. The vent tube goes up in that area so maybe it is just overfilled. Stupid trans with no dipstick. lol. If it is something worse I will rebuild or get a used one.

No aviator engines, I have to go through state inspection with this thing. Got to keep the PCM and 4.0 sohc.


I just checked the tires, they are 245 65 17's.
All 4 the same, two are just black wall.
They are all dry cracked and need to be replaced anyway.
I have not even checked the tire pressure in them yet.

Sunday I spent all day fixing what some hack of a mechanic did to this truck. and I mean all day. Every single bracket that bolts to the engine was just hanging there. Every where I looked I saw another bracket with no bolts to hold it on. I had to remove the upper intake manifold to get to the bracket at the back of the engine that supports the wiring harness and the evap line. It was missing the two bolts that hold it on.
The evap line was also disconnected at the other end near the tank. It was also not clamped in the bracket under the vehicle by the transmission, same with the fuel pressure line. The fuel pressure line was attached to the bracket, but that bracket was not attached to anything. Two transmission to engine bolts hold that bracket on, they were both missing.
There was two brackets at the bottom of the timing cover that were not attached to the studs that are supposed to hold them on.
The hose that goes from the degas bottle to the radiator was routed in a way that the serpentine belt was almost rubbing it.
Battery hold down missing.
A bracket that holds a power steering line on was missing half of it, and no bolt there either.
Someone cut the ground strap.... At both ends. Unbelievable..... HACK!

I spent all day fixing that stuff. Now I am waiting for the aluminum thermostat housing so I can run this thing up to operating temperature and check the transmission fluid level. Can't wait to see what else I find.

Edit: Here is another bracket with missing bolts, see picture.

Tires / Wheels?

I need tires, these are all dry rotted.
I am thinking I may not want to put the same size back on.
They are 245 65 17's and I don't like the look much.

I like this look, I wonder what the tire and rim sizes were.
Maybe I can find something similar.

20" adrenalin wheels
I believe the tires are Toyo Proxes st2 255/50/20
The truck belonged to not8taxi
This truck was badass looking!


  • black explorer.jpg
    black explorer.jpg
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and here i thought the money from the ranger was going towards tires for the sport. also, if bolts are missing, or loose, its just its way of trying to tell you "yank me out, slap a nasty long block in with a whipple!"

and here i thought the money from the ranger was going towards tires for the sport. also, if bolts are missing, or loose, its just its way of trying to tell you "yank me out, slap a nasty long block in with a whipple!"

Yea what he said!

and here i thought the money from the ranger was going towards tires for the sport. also, if bolts are missing, or loose, its just its way of trying to tell you "yank me out, slap a nasty long block in with a whipple!"

You hear what the man said ?????


All the horsepower in the world, from long blocks and whipples, wont do a thing if you can not get traction to the ground through the wheels.
I need tires!

265 70 17

I can get these tires, 265 70 17 Cooper Discoverer AT3 off eBay.
They have a 100.00 discount code. Price would be 464.00 if code is good?

Here is what that tire size looks like on a 3rd gen. Would look better than what I have now.

Edit: I pulled the plug on these tires, if later on I find some Adrenaline wheels or something like them I can use these as my winter wheels.
Price was 464.00, 100 off coupon on eBay worked. Place was called discount tires.
265 70 17.jpg
Driver side.jpg

Serpentine Belt

The belt didn't seem to fit tight enough for my liking.
Advance Auto listed a 5060855 in Dayco but it was the same size.
I asked for a 5060850 and they had it. It fits better.
Here is a picture of the old belt, I will update with a picture of the new belt when possible.
Edit: Second picture is where the tensioner sits now.

Head Unit

Head unit is installed. I love the Garmin GPS that is built in to the Kenwood.
Have to install amp wires later.

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Head unit is installed. I love the Garmin GPS that is built in to the Kenwood.
Have to install amp wires later.

I know your explorer is going to be more crazy than this
9lbs of boost


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