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my 97 ex

Latest pic, before winter

Love that pic man! Keep up the good work! :thumbsup:

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Looks good RB, I put 33's on my 96 with tt/shackles :)

I ordered an Aussie last night, now to save up for a new set of 33's. She's comming along nicely

Got a set of tan Eddie Bauer seats, gonna start installing them in a bit with pics to follow


Pics Or it didn't happen

Im working on it J, my camera is broken and my iphone isnt wanting to share my pics with my laptop, just Facebook

Havent really posted much lately, as the explorer has been sitting while i tried to save up for a whole bunch of parts. She finally got some much needed steering and suspension parts yesterday. new inner and outer tie rod ends, lower ball joints, and wheel bearings.
If you notice, the dust sheild is missing, i bought an off-brand bearing and the speed sensor wouldnt clear the sheild. I was running out of daylight so i had to put it together without the sheild. Autozone sold me the wrong axle seal so it will have to come back apart later and i will modify the sheild and reinstall then. The wet spot on the lower control arm is water from the bellows boot on the inner TRE, so the rack is gonna need replaced the next time the inners fail. There was a fair bit of corrosion and rust in there, and i cant find new boots that arent attatched to a rack

Welp, it has been a fun ride, but this chapter in my RBV history has come to an end. The frame is rotted out pretty bad and the cost of a proper repair far exceeds the value of the 300k mile rig. She is being replaced with a 95 ranger stx extended cab.

New registry Wreck-It-Ranger
