My 98 XLT Prerunner | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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My 98 XLT Prerunner

hey guys just posting up an update of everything. i live down here in chula vista and i love offroadin. here's what takes me there.

Vehicle Stats
2WD 1998 Ford Explorer. 12" inches of travel front and rear. Rear is 2 inch lift with extended shackles and new set of leaf springs. Front suspension is a 3 inch lift, 4 inches wider up. Front setup has custom upper arms, custom shock mounts, and custom clevis joint steering arms. Ridding on 33x12.50" Pro Comp Extreme-Terrain Tires. 10" Fox 2.0 x 7/8 Remote Resovoire Shocks, Fiberwerx front fenders, roof light bar, 4.10 gears, and alot more goods.
you can check out more on my cardomain. thanks.

Rear Suspension:
- Warrior Lift Shackles
- Fox Shocks Soon
- Carrier Spring Soft Ride Springs

Front Suspension:
- 12" Travel
- Custom Tube Shock Mounts
- Dixon Racing Clevis Steering Conversion
- Ford "B" Rated Torsion Bars
- Lower arms with relocated shock mounts
- Daystar Poly Bushings
- Steel Braided Teflon Flex Brake Lines
- 3.5" Fabtech Spindles
- 2.0x7/8 Fox 10" Travel Remote Resovoire Shocks
- 2.5" "Performance Wheel" spacers
- Custom upper control arms

- Xcallibrator II
- K&N Air Intake Kit
- Carsound High-Flow Cats
- Magnaflow Muffler
- Yukon 4.10 Gears
- XCallibrator II Programmed

- KARR Light bar
- Four 8" KC Lights
- Custom Prerunner Bumper
- Boss 1400 Watt 2-channel amp
- DHD 1000 Watt 12" Sub
- Optima Yellow Top Battery





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looks good.why are your rear shocks mounted upside down? you might want to think about flipping them especially if you use your truck as a prerunner, the whole point is to keep the oil at the seals to prevent overheating of the seals which will expand and fail over time...

looks good.why are your rear shocks mounted upside down? you might want to think about flipping them especially if you use your truck as a prerunner, the whole point is to keep the oil at the seals to prevent overheating of the seals which will expand and fail over time...

dont u flip them to make ur ride more stiff??

looks pretty slick....but i have one question whty are your lights tilted forward??...garage clearance?

looks pretty slick....but i have one question whty are your lights tilted forward??...garage clearance?

Don't need covers if they're not facing forward. Easy flip up of the whole bar and you're ready to go.

exactly. i have them covered so their's no way of gettin them dirty while day-driving. i have em tilted cause they are not in use and it also gives me aero dynamics on the highway lol. My rear shocks are upside down because of a few reasons. i wanted to keep as much dirt out from going into the shock in any way. Having them the other way would just give me more chance of that since im not using the boot. Also, i think it looks cooler from the rear of the truck. Besides, these are not emulsion shocks. Please, correct me if im wrong, but they can be run at any angle i believe. This is how running a reverse-cantilever setup can work efficiently on racing suspensions. thanks for the comments guys!

nice x u got there sikamikanico

Nice Explorer!
do you have the part numbers for those 3.5" fabtech spindles?
