????? Did you read half the thread and then just jump up and reply?
No, actually I was paying a compliment where it was due...remember the "nice piece" part of that statement?????
My exhausted thinking out loud statement was trying to figure out what I wanted to do about a bumper for myself, incorporate some design ideas, and understand what purpose (other than personal preference) that tubes serve. If it came off as anything else, sorry if I've offended someone. I'll say it again, in greater detail, just to be absolutely clear:
That is a great looking, properly fabricated, and fully functional bumper. In short, I like it. Is there any functional neccessity for tubes that I, in my "new to the offroad world" may not realize? The only thing I've ever seen them used for is not rolling over when coming head-first off of a steep incline. My truck is not, and likely will never be set up to tackle that kind of terrain anyway, so if I were to fabricate a similar bumper for my X, I don't understand why I would need anything like that. RustENutz is obviously a capable fabricator, so I thought I would throw this out there in hopes that I could better understand a subject that is foggy to me.
Also, just to be clear, I'm not trying to be a d***, but at the same time, I don't look stuff up on this forum to be abused. I'm here to learn, and to help out others when I can. Isn't that what this forum is all about?