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My First Explorer, 2000 EB

Not sure how many vice grips were used last I did parking brake on this one. Absolute pain haha.

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What lift do you have? I'm thinking of going back up with my 96 and that looks about perfect as far as height and ride.

What lift do you have? I'm thinking of going back up with my 96 and that looks about perfect as far as height and ride.
It has F150 springs in the rear and the torsion bars cranked in the front. It also has a 2" body lift.
Edit: oh yeah! Also has warrior shackles in the rear. I had forgotten.

I really need to find an affordable set of very stiff front shocks for the front that are made for the lifted front end. The bumper and winch in the front really make the shocks work extra hard.

Same. Everytime I hit bumps its bounces a bit. The RS5ks seem to do ok but could be a bit better. Not sure if 9ks would do better made stiffer?

I'm wondering the same thing. A set of adjustable 9000 series Ranchos set to the firmest setting. Then again, I've found a set of Rough Country shocks that are made for lifted explorers, and they're affordable, so I may give those a shot. I've even been trying to figure out a way to put the coil springs off of a used set of rear booster shocks (cut down some) onto a set of new front shocks! My imagination does wild things sometimes.

I'm wondering the same thing. A set of adjustable 9000 series Ranchos set to the firmest setting. Then again, I've found a set of Rough Country shocks that are made for lifted explorers, and they're affordable, so I may give those a shot. I've even been trying to figure out a way to put the coil springs off of a used set of rear booster shocks (cut down some) onto a set of new front shocks! My imagination does wild things sometimes.
I swear someone maybe it was Blown or someone had air shocks in the front...........

Here it is!!!!!!!!!!! I even commented on the thread hahaha and I forgot about it.

If your truck is really bouncy in the front end and you are constantly hitting bump stops on bumpy roads you should consider replacing your torsion bar wear pads…. Makes all the difference in the world!

If you want stiffer springs you can either run some torsion keys to increase the spring rate at ride height or you can do a coilover conversion as turdle suggested
