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My Lift Options!!!

ok i will keep my options open. I need a lift so i can fit the 31's i plan on getting by the end of the month:D:thumbsup:

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ok i will keep my options open. I need a lift so i can fit the 31's i plan on getting by the end of the month:D:thumbsup:

you shouldn't need any lift in the rear, unless it's sagged as all hell.
as for the front, barely any at all... an inch would be more than enough.
depending on width of tire, anyway.

I barely touched my torsion bars at all when I fit my 31's, albeit the tires weren't new, and I'm sure my bars had sagged before I touched 'em.


Ok thanks for the input Gavin, what size tires are you running in that pic?

31x10.50x15 Dayton Timberline on some plain 15x7 white wagon wheels.

thanks. You have rubbing while turning with those guys?

thanks. You have rubbing while turning with those guys?

nope... never any rubbing.

well, okay I lied. once.


but that was due to my suspension bottoming out. oops

ya that happens. I will get 31's with the lift and then put the shackles on when i have time.
