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MY Long Travel Build

taknitezX2 said:
yeah national and deaver is like Fox and King shocks. both quality products. The rear has not been done really, still have bilstien 5150s in stock spots. i will probably end up going with a setup like BigDave has.
i looked under bigdaves stuff i cant seem to find any thing for shock hoops other that the ones with coils and duals shocks in the front

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rynstvy said:
i looked under bigdaves stuff i cant seem to find any thing for shock hoops other that the ones with coils and duals shocks in the front

What the hell are you talking about??? :confused: if u look at Dave registry page, there is a pic showing his rear setup, keeping the shocks under the cargo area. I dont know what ur talking about with coils and all.

taknitezX2 said:
What the hell are you talking about??? :confused: if u look at Dave registry page, there is a pic showing his rear setup, keeping the shocks under the cargo area. I dont know what ur talking about with coils and all.
i couldn't find anything under big daves stuff. anyways thanks

the ex looks great ! when you gonna update your avatar?
i think someone mentioned del mar earlier? my grandparents live there, and thats where my explorer came from.

rynstvy respect his thread by pm'ing your questions.
he's already asked you twice.
click his username above the picture of his explorer you see on the left.
you've created an extra page for everyone to read.

n3m3s1s said:
the ex looks great ! when you gonna update your avatar?
i think someone mentioned del mar earlier? my grandparents live there, and thats where my explorer came from.

rynstvy respect his thread by pm'ing your questions.
he's already asked you twice.
click his username above the picture of his explorer you see on the left.
you've created an extra page for everyone to read.

HAHA. WORD... :thumbsup:

Sooooo.... its been a while but i finally have an update. I finally picked up some rear shocks. 10'' 2.5'' SAW w/ remote resis. I did a partial trade for those fenders i was holding onto forever. Got the rearend all torn down today, and the lower mounts fabbed up. Im hoping tomarrow night i will be able to get the uppers mocked, and possible fully welded. The shocks wont be on permanently till saturday, i gotta make a run out to Kartek for some misalign spacers, and hopefully have them hook me up with some nitro for the shocks. Should be looking at about 14'' travel bump/straped. This setup is the same the BigDave has on his explorer.

sweeeet getting the bigdave rear! haha what deaver pack are you getting(not sure if you already got one, maybe i forgot) and which shackles are you using?

ive got a national LT pack. and am currently running trusty ol' pepboys shackles. :D Plan on gettin some new ones sometime.

BTW.. i went up to the sierras a few weeks ago, and got a couple funny shots of the expo. Notice the spare tire safari style. The cargo area was sooo packed with supplies. That shot with me is ontop of a rock about 9000' up.


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haha man thats awesome, i like how it sits so low in the rear, will allow you to get some big shackles because those help out with the droop a lot, here is a pic i dug up of my rear when i had the warriors on there, if you had camburgs or something you would get even more droop


and i can tuck those tires right to the fender

what shackles do you have on there now. what i got are about the same legnth as the warriors. i know the camburg ones are build differently, do you know the advantages of them?

and it dont always sit that low. thats just because i seriously had a bunch of stuff back there. i only had like 6'' of space to the roof from behind the driver seats to the hatch, with the middle seats folded down. just enough to get a rear mirror view.

i think the eye to eye length is a little longer and it allows for the full bend of the springs from completely bottomed out to fully drooped

i have stock ones now because my rear was huge and it handles a lot better with the stock ones body roll wise, lost about an inch to 1.5" of droop but i didnt mind. if yours are about the same length as the warriors the it will probably be the same as in that pic

Oh yeah.... and im hoping to be getting some b-day money this week (BIG 21 on Saturday) and thats going to be going to the rearend gears. Hopefully have 4.56 by the end of the month.

that will be fun! hey by chance are you going to the last CORR race this weekend?

there's anothor corr race this weekend. i live like 3 mins away. ill proly go sunday? my only day off. BTW the explorer looks great!

yeah im still looking to find a nice piece of scrap aluminum for the skid plate. I was considereing going to the CORR race but am going to get ther rearend buttoned up that day, i need to make a trip to KARTEK for some parts. Got the expo all back together tonite, just need to finish some welding tomarrow. it was to windy to do out side so i had to get it driveable so i can pull it into the garage after work tomarrow night. After i get the parts, i will be able to slap the shocks in and be good to go.

So, it's kinda been offroad now, huh? looking good, Jeff...

...hey, I have an idea about a rear swaybar :roll: ;) , if you're interested, and let me know if you need help making some shackles.

sway bar... who needs a sway bar. u make it sound like these explorers have body roll or something. :confused: Ill hit you up about those, except the lower shock mounts take up the sway bar mounts on the axle.
Got everything welded up, and will hopefully have the shocks charged up tomarrow and then bolted in.

Just dropped the expo off at Zero Tolerance Fab in Montclair. It will be getting 4.56s installed first thing in the morning. Then i will try to get the rear shocks all mounted up too.

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