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My New 11 Limited


New Member
March 17, 2011
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11 Limited
Picked it up a month ago at a local dealer. I will be tinting the windows soon and the rear tv's are going in next week. The wheels are really the only thing I don't like about the car so I'm already on the hunt for something new.







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Awesome! I'm not wild about the wheels either. I love the chrome wheels from the Edge though....

I'm getting my windows tinted next Saturday...should make a world of difference.....If I can get the goop off my windows from the seals by then....

This sounds odd but the mothers chrome polish took the goop off the windows.

Welcome, Nice Explorer. My wife is going to be in the market soon. Does it have lots of room. Oh say for Two black labs and golden retriever. She has a Pontiac Torrent now.

This sounds odd but the mothers chrome polish took the goop off the windows.

I can get the goop off the windows, I just can't keep it that way. Talked to the dealer today, and the service guy said it had to do with the product they used on the trim. Sounds like it has to wear off....:thumbdwn:

Nice...I wanted the pecan interior but for whatever stupid reason it isn't available with the red metallic.

Those are the first good pictures of the pecan interior that Ive seen posted online.

The picture in the brochure is way too dark and the other pictures Ive seen posted all look way too orange.

These look dead on to the way it appeared to me IRL.

Luv it in white! I would have purchased white, but I am not allowed to, because I already own 2 white cars. A white Mercedes and a white Porsche. So the wife and kids gave me the:thumbdwn:

I'm whipped!:)

I actually like those wheels and wish I had that style on mine. Interested in sellng them?

Awesome! I'm not wild about the wheels either. I love the chrome wheels from the Edge though....

I'm getting my windows tinted next Saturday...should make a world of difference.....If I can get the goop off my windows from the seals by then....

I wanna tint the front too....but to match the back OEM tint exactly.......any idea what the tint % is to exact match?

but to match the back OEM tint exactly.......any idea what the tint % is to exact match?

A shop I went to last week said "limo" tint. Whatever that means. I plan to put a light tint on the fronts. 50%.

A shop I went to last week said "limo" tint. Whatever that means. I plan to put a light tint on the fronts. 50%.

Yikes....Limo tint is most often illegal anywhere front of the drivers shoulders so if I get that I will have to write myself a ticket.

A shop I went to last week said "limo" tint. Whatever that means. I plan to put a light tint on the fronts. 50%.

The windows on our Explorer's definitely aren't limo tint, thats 5% tint. Factory tint is roughly 17% so the closest your likely to get is 20%. There are some manufacturers out there making 15% tint film I believe. I just tinted my fronts today with some 20% film I ordered precut from ebay. As soon as they completely dry, I'll be able to tell you if its a good match to the rear.

The windows on our Explorer's definitely aren't limo tint, thats 5% tint. Factory tint is roughly 17% so the closest your likely to get is 20%. There are some manufacturers out there making 15% tint film I believe. I just tinted my fronts today with some 20% film I ordered precut from ebay. As soon as they completely dry, I'll be able to tell you if its a good match to the rear.

Maybe a pic too please

I put 20% on and it matched up pretty good. The black interior makes tints look really dark on this truck. I had to change them out to 50% tints to get the cops off my back.

Maybe a pic too please

Here's a pic of the 20% on my Ex. I think it's a pretty good match. I ended up doing it myself, only cost me $15 for the precut tint.


WOW, That turned out nice. Thats a nice looking Explorer.

That looks sweet!....well done, from this angle the fronts look like they match the back OEM tint to me.

I love that to Tuxedo Black of course LOL!

Picked it up a month ago at a local dealer. I will be tinting the windows soon and the rear tv's are going in next week. The wheels are really the only thing I don't like about the car so I'm already on the hunt for something new.
Tint laws vary from state to state. for Nebraska the law enacted in 2006 states;
Windshield Non-reflective tint is allowed along the top of the windshield above the manufacturer's AS-1 line.
Front Side Windows Must allow more than 35% of light in.
Back Side Windows Must allow more than 20% of light in.
Rear Window Must allow more than 20% of light in.

Info obtained from;

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Here's a pic of the 20% on my Ex. I think it's a pretty good match. I ended up doing it myself, only cost me $15 for the precut tint.

Just for your info, here is the Tint law for Ohio;
Windshield Non-reflective tint is allowed on the top 5 inches of the windshield.
Front Side Windows Must allow more than 50% of light in.
Back Side Windows Any darkness can be used.
Rear Window Any darkness can be used.
