My New 20" Curved LED Light Bar | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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My New 20" Curved LED Light Bar


Well-Known Member
February 10, 2014
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Year, Model & Trim Level
2010 Sport Trac Adrenalin
Purchased this off Amazon - the "brand" is Simplive, and it comes with a wire harness and built in switch, but I will be installing my own switch that will go in the blank spot where the windshield heater button would be.

For the price, you can't beat this... I am very happy with it.

Final pics, including night shots to follow...




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how did you drill the holes for your light bar? I have an 2007 and can't get anything in there to make the holes. Any help/advice would be greatly appreciated! thanks

I mounted road lights in the same place on my 08 Adrenalin. Had to take the front bumper and facia cover off to get to it. Have plenty of sharp drill bits if you try it.

You might think I'm nuts, but I torched the holes using my acetylene/oxygen torch.

It helps that I did this all in my body shop - it was easier this way.

Thanks! Definitely helps with the dark back roads.
