My "stealth" on board air install, pics, and video | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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My "stealth" on board air install, pics, and video


Explorer Addict
March 23, 2003
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2008 XLT Ironman
Just finished installing my on board air system on my 2004 Eddie Bauer. I was looking for something that would fill all my tires with ease and also allow me to do some light air tool use, so I went with the Viair 20001 Ultra Duty kit.

It is a continuous duty 12v compressor and it comes with a 2.5 gallon air tank and it will pressurize up to 200psi.

As for mounting locations, I could have put this under the hood or mounted to the framerail, but there is this cool bin under the floors of the 3rd Gens (without the 3rd row) and I wasn't using it for anything else. Turns out it would fit the compressor and tank PERFECTLY so I decided to go for it even though it would make the install a bit trickier. I was also hoping that the location would help quiet the compressor down a bit:

Here's what the rear cargo area looks like:


Open up the forward panel and here's the compressor and tank:






I drilled 1 hole thru the bottom of that space for a 3/8" air line and ran it down to a Tee fitting at the frame:


Then I ran 3/8" lines to the front and rear bumpers along the top edge of the frame, zip tying it to the frame every foot or so:


Each supply line was capped with quick disconnect fitting. Here's the one at the rear bumper with a rubber dustcap on it to keep road crud from getting in:


There was also a line run from the tank to a pressure guage that came with the kit. I kind of jacked up the top part of the hole when I was cutting it...need to fix that somehow:


There wasn't any room under the tank to be able to open the petcock valve to drain it, and even with drilling another hole and running a line for it underneath I realized it was going to be a pain to crawl under the truck and open the petcock up every time I wanted to drain the tank. So what I did was run another line from the drain hole of the tank down to the same vicinity as the Tee fitting for my supply lines. I put a weatherproof water/air 250 psi rated solenoid valve there (like a nitrous solenoid basically) so I can drain the tank remotely:


It just vents to the air.

I ran the wires from it back to a button in the truck. I also put in a switch for the compressor with a cover over it so it is protected a little if I have something loose in the back and it hits the switch. The red momentary pushbutton next to it is for the tank purge:


Here's a video of it in action with the floor panel back in place and a demonstration of the tank purge. The video makes it sound loud but you can easily talk over it in an "indoor voice" when you are standing where I was filming.

I am very happy with it! The tank gets up to 200 PSI in about 5 minutes, and the compressor kicks on when it gets down to 165. Fills tires with no problem, and I was able to use my air ratchet and impact with it also. You can't go real crazy with the air tools because they eat up air quick and the compressor/tank can't keep up with heavy use, but for short bursts/light use they work well enough for me.

Here's the website if anyone is interested:

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Slick:D Very nice job:chug:

so jealous, i have no room even if i had the money

Although this is a hell of a write-up.. this thread does no justice to the setup in person.

EXCELLENT work James!! :thumbsup:

Very clean! Keep up the great work james!

Now time for and ARB in the front pig?

thanks for the comments all! I need to chase down what that rattling noise is but otherwise it came out exactly as I had hoped.

K(r)azer, I could definitely run an ARB now but not sure if I really need it at this point...the Aussie locker in the rear seems to get the job done.

Maybe a train horn would be more useful; I could use it for reminding people that they shouldn't be texting and driving on the highways around here :D

train horn is too squeaky, put on a fiery horn

That looks great.. very clean.. and I love the gauge install.. its a great finishing touch.

So, which dump valve did you buy, where'd you find it, and what price range was it in. Some of those valves I was running across ranged from cheap to it must be made from unob-tanium...


I went with the one from McMaster-Carr, part number 5077T134, Submersible SS Solenoid Valve Fluoroelastomer Seal, 1/4 NPT Fem, 250 PSI, 12 VDC.


I think the hardest part was finding one that was weatherproof AND 12v DC AND good for flowing air and water AND rated for 250 I think it'll be worth it as long as it holds up!

That looks great.. very clean.. and I love the gauge install.. its a great finishing touch.

So, which dump valve did you buy, where'd you find it, and what price range was it in. Some of those valves I was running across ranged from cheap to it must be made from unob-tanium...


Very nice! I just wish us guys with 3rd rows could do the same. Looks proffesionally installed, keep up the good work.

for the rattle, do you have a safety valve that has a keyring on the tip? im pretty sure thats what it is.
or mount the tank/compressor using rubber bushings

The tank and compressor are all mounted using rubber bushings. I used self tapping sheet metal screws to avoid having to mess with tightening nuts/bolts under the truck but I may have one that didn't bite into the metal and is jumping around a bit.

I do have a safety valve with a key ring on the tip so I'll check there also.

It does seem that as the pressure goes higher, the rattling gets less so I may also see if it's the built in check valve on the braided leader line coming from the compressor that is making the noise. i found a video on youtube of the same compressor and it made that noise a bit.

Thats a really awesome install! I have a big set of horns, and a smaller (2 gal I think?) Tank and compressor, but I think the compressor finally died on me. I would love to have that cargo area in back, that must quiet down the setup a whole lot. When I had my compressor installed, it was just basically bolted down to the cargo area, and it was loud as all hell!

If you dont mind me asking, how much did all this run you?

the kit was about $450 shipped. I didn't use all the fittings and wires and stuff that came in the kit but it was nice to have the extra parts so that I could tailor everything for my setup and figure things out.

I bought a 50 foot length of air line from home depot for about 20 dollars and some other air fittings and quick disconnects for maybe another 10 dollars.

The solenoid valve was about $75 and I don't think I could have found it cheaper since I had some pretty specific requirements for it to be able to hold up to.

So all in all about $555

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Sweet install man.truck gets sicker and sicker!!
