Mystery metal strips (not shavings) in oil pan (with bonus rear timing chain cassette pieces) | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Mystery metal strips (not shavings) in oil pan (with bonus rear timing chain cassette pieces)


New Member
April 20, 2023
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City, State
Longview, TX
Year, Model & Trim Level
2003 Explorer Eddie Bauer
I couldn't find a specific thread involving these pieces, if there is one a link would be appreciated. My '03 explorer (4.0 sohc, Eddie Bauer) is currently in the process of replacing 1. Bad torque converter, 2. Bad upper oil pan gasket, 3. Destroyed rear timing chain cassette. When the lower oil pan was removed there were plastic pieces of the rear timing chain cassette but also two metal strips that I can't identify, they don't have pin holes so I'm going under the impression that they're not part of the balance shaft tensioner but other than that I'm lost. I'm not a car guy, I've learned what I know out of necessity but no matter how much I search I can't identify these, please help.

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Should be added that the timing chain itself, sprockets, and tensioner bolt are in surprisingly good condition still. I've already got the new cassette and am currently picking pieces of the broken one out of that little compartment, but definitely DO NOT want to start putting things back together until I can at least identify those metal strips, if not replace whatever they've broken off of.

cant eee the image but i think those strips are from the backing ofnrhe tensioner for the primary chain since it used a 3 leaf design up to 02 then i think its 5 leaf? or smthnlike that


cant eee the image but i think those strips are from the backing ofnrhe tensioner for the primary chain since it used a 3 leaf design up to 02 then i think its 5 leaf? or smthnlike that

View attachment 441337
Ah beans, I was hoping to only have to tear up half the engine but it looks like my work has been extended, that definitely matches up. I guess I'll know for sure when I crack into the front. It's a big pain but manageable, unfortunately though I don't have an engine hoist and the torque converter was bad anyways, so I'm using the "transmission removed" instructions instead of the "engine lifted" ones. I appreciate your help, i reckon I'll add to the thread how it goes when I have time to do the work.

? you dont have to lift motor for the primary guide & tensioner. if youre doing the b shadt chain itll be right there


also are you sure those casette ieces are from the rear?
