"Nasty Hoe Bandit" (1992 Navajo) | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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"Nasty Hoe Bandit" (1992 Navajo)

(For the history and previous ownership of this vehicle, please click here)

Well, I recently went down to Austin, Texas for the week and spent some time working with Kris Guillbeaux on his trucks and attending the John_Rock Memorial Run in Marble Falls. I had a great time and a blast down there. But I also went down there to pick up SVO's 1992 Mazda Navajo. This truck is pretty well known on the forum, and I am very honored to get the chance to continue building it. So with trailer in tow, I went on down and Kris and I hung with SVO and StangGirl for an afternoon, and also had some fun at MrQ's expense :cool:

The truck does come sans motor and transmission, and at the time SVO was planning a turbo coupe swap in it. My plans are to convert the truck to OBD-II with a SOHC V6 motor and 5R55E automatic with a manual 1354 transfer case to start off with. The front and rear axles do need a slight re-gear (currently 3.73) with the 35" tires. Ill get some more photos up today as I unload the truck and clean it out (it came with a lot of parts :thumbsup:)

But here is how she sits now...




And finally home in Oklahoma :p:

A big thanks to Kris, Jeff and Lori for making this happen. Don't worry guys, the Nasty Hoe is in good company with the rest of the Bandit family :salute:

And with this truck, I also was voted in as a member of Demon4x4, yay! So hopefully I can wheel with you guys soon!

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good luck with the navajo

Hey you need to update your sig now. Oh wait they might not all fit.. :p:

When I headed up to Austin, I arrived a bit before Russell and Kris got back from gift shopping at the local pick-a-part. After drooling over the JPX, I spied the Navajo sitting there. After fondling it, I started assessing what it would take for it to get it hooked up to my Dodge. :D Unfortunately, Russell showed up before I had a chance to start. :mad: Oh, well.

Anyways, apart from needing a few things, its a great project truck and I hope to see it wheeling in the near future.

Wonders what is Kris thinking in the 2nd pic..

OBDII? You really love wiring don't you? :p: lol Goodluck, nice to see you got a wheeling truck now.

Well half the wiring is gone in the truck, so if he is going to rewire, might as well upgrade. :-)

Well half the wiring is gone in the truck, so if he is going to rewire, might as well upgrade. :-)

Actually, I think all the wiring is there, just buried beneath parts lol

My bad, I thought most of it was gone...or am I thinking about the engine harness? :scratch:

ok, got it off the trailer today after fixing the fuel pump in Stripe finally and moved it to its new resting spot until i get the garage cleared out. Already i noticed the camber was getting REALLY off...guess I have a lot to learn, eh?

Wonders what is Kris thinking in the 2nd pic..

I was thinking how much I want to be like Russell, Because he is so awesome and totally not egotistical.. LOL

Ive always wanted to wheel, and just never really felt like I had the right vehicle to do it with...now I do :D

The first order of business, believe it or not, is fix the superlift/skyjacker mix match in parts. I need to locate new drop brackets for sure. I got a lead on a 6" skyjacker complete lift kit, just need to see how much he's asking...then I can get the front end aligned once a motor and such are in.

So I spent the afternoon cleaning out the Nasty Hoe and getting a good inventory of parts that came with it. So You open up the liftgate and this is what you find

So after a good count and sorting of parts, the Hoe looked like this:

so I thought I would go ahead and throw the front end on just for good measure...

And couldnt help but pose with the newest Bandit family member

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So tonight, i went and and looked an an explorer being parted out locally that had a 6" Skyjacker lift on it, and worked out a deal with the owner for the drop brackets and coils, so looks like the Hoe will get a complete skyjacker lift and should even out the camber and alignment issues. I know this is something way down the road, but I couldnt pass up the chance. So yay for Russell :D
