Navigation Version | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Navigation Version


Active Member
August 27, 2012
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Arlington, TX
Year, Model & Trim Level
2016 & 2020 Limited 4WD
I believe I recently upgraded the Navigation Maps on my 2020 Explorer; I downloaded a new Sync Update along with a License file.
The first attempt to load created an error, second attempt seemed to work.
I know I'm at the latest Sync version v3.4 Build 21194, but how do determine the Nav Version?
On by older Explorers Nav updates were by SIM Card, so the version was obvious.

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If you look in the settings where the SYNC version is, you’ll see the NAV version

Should be NA 2 20.

If you look in the settings where the SYNC version is, you’ll see the NAV version

Should be NA 2 20.


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