Need Help 2002 Explorer Transfer Case Problems | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Need Help 2002 Explorer Transfer Case Problems


New Member
November 23, 2018
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NE Iowa
Year, Model & Trim Level
2002 Ford Explorer
Hello, I have been lurking the website and searching and I have not been able to find the answer I need or anything that has worked for me.
I have a 02 Explorer with around 220,000 on it and I am having some 4x4 issues, it started with a 4x4 High light would flash 3x I took it to local repair shop because I just didn't have the time to repair myself.

I made it about 3 miles after they "fixed it" before the light started flashing again. now I have 4x4 High light flash 10 times I ended up buying a ford t case module to replace the used one the shop put on. and they also installed a t case motor.

I can feel the t case switch from High/Low and I jacked up the vehicle and rear wheels only spin. and still have 4x4 high light flashing does anyone have something I can look at to help me from keep scratching my head.

I tried to double check the wiring on the napa t case motor they installed everything looks correct except I do not have a pin installed on slot #11 ORG which in the wiring diagram looks like that also plays with the clutch in the case.

Thanks for any help. I am scratching my head and I am almost to the point I need to take it to the dealer about 30 min away for an answer.

So I went and looked a little more this morning and I have come to the conclusion it is with the transfer case motor that was installed or somewhere in the plug.

The brown wire #16 goes from TC module all the way down into the clutch on the case and when driving the vehicle will add voltage up to 11.9 v to that wire 4x4 high light still flashes but I’m trying to figure where the dark green wire on the wiring diagrams ties into (on my vehicle it is orange) on the t case connection that wire has no wire on the motor side of the connection
