need help finding part | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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need help finding part

Philip Shultz

New Member
July 9, 2018
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1997 explorer XLT
hello all,
new guy here with a 1997 explorer XLT 4 door... rear driver side door latch mechanism is missing the clip that the rod from exterior door handle attaches too... no idea what this is called or where to get one.... any help is appreciated

thank you

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but thank you....what i need is (i'm guessing) a little plastic clip that holds the rod from outside door handle to the latch itself....might have to check JY i guess

problem is, that it is completely gone, there is just a hole in the latch mechanism where it "should" be..... so no i cannot take a pic, since it's not there... i dont see it on any of those diagrams i will continue to look though, maybe i missed it

close...i need the piece that goes on the opposite end of that rod where it connects to the actual latch assembly

yes!...the "infamous yellow block connector " is what i need..... any idea where to buy one?
