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Need help with billet grille

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they will not fit.

Those r meant for ex's with the fog light option. If you dont have that indent in the same location as the picture shows then if obv wont fit.

you need to install those to be able to install the grills. I have them on mine and all you do is drill holes through the fog light inserts and bolt the billet grills through the holes. but im not sure if you can do it with the inserts without fog lights like those shown above. You might have to buy the ones for the fog lights but you might be able to tell that there aren't actual lights in them but who cares right?

you need to install those to be able to install the grills. I have them on mine and all you do is drill holes through the fog light inserts and bolt the billet grills through the holes. but im not sure if you can do it with the inserts without fog lights like those shown above. You might have to buy the ones for the fog lights but you might be able to tell that there aren't actual lights in them but who cares right?

Thank you! Just what I was trying to figure out. Do yours with the fog light inserts come real cost to the grille over them? I mean are they touching or is there room

i have a set of those bezels that you can have for the price of shipping, unless you're somewhat close to me in MI

i have a set of those bezels that you can have for the price of shipping, unless you're somewhat close to me in MI

Wow really. That's awesome man! I do live in MI, I'm in Westland. I could email you a shipping label prepaid?

Thank you very much for the offer!

Wow really. That's awesome man! I do live in MI, I'm in Westland. I could email you a shipping label prepaid?

Thank you very much for the offer!

That'll work. i'll send you a private message with my email address.

Or you could just buy the parts to add foglights like i did..


