Need interior paint touch ups | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Need interior paint touch ups


Active Member
August 28, 2008
Reaction score
City, State
Chino CA
Year, Model & Trim Level
2002 Sport Trac XL
2002 Sport Trac

The paint Ford must have used on their interior pieces seems very thin, it's peeling back around the radio bezel and on the door pulls.

Has anyone found a color or method that is very close to factory original? I have that silver/grey color.


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I bought a can years ago from the dealership for about $12, but that was about 4 years ago... Stupid place to put painted parts- where you contact them every day...

I bought a can years ago from the dealership for about $12, but that was about 4 years ago... Stupid place to put painted parts- where you contact them every day...

Thanks, I'll call them up.

Gotta love it, the first Ford dealership I call has no clue what I'm talking about.

Got ahold of Ford Customer Service since my local dealerships couldn't come up with anything. They gave me the following info:

Light Graphite :: Ford part number PM-19M547-4240H

I know Light Graphite was the color in my '02 and '03 Sport's, I remember that much...

I sent that part number to and they can make it! It's now on their site.

So do I add a primer and clear coat also?

Just ordered:

Vehicle: 2002 Ford Explorer
Paint: Light Graphite Interior ZUB 4240
1 12.5 oz. Basecoat Spray Can @24.95 $24.95
1 12 oz. Clearcoat Spray Can @12.25 $12.25
1 11.3 oz. SEM Adhesion Promoter (Spray Can) @14.99 $14.99

When it comes in I'll post up pix of how it all turns out.

Do a before and after!! hehe
