Need pics of Stock '95 Explorers with 31's | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Need pics of Stock '95 Explorers with 31's

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get 3.75 offset. Stock rims will work if your new tires will be 10.5 width or less.

Thanks. ANd i see you have 31's on, and problems with the rotors?

I just put on 31X10.5 on my 99 XLT with the stock "tear drop" rims. They fit perfectly and do NOT rub at all. Makes it sit about 1.7 inches higher and about 1 inch wider than stock 235/75/15's. Awesome looking!!

you don't have any pics do ya? :D


ANd i see you have 31's on, and problems with the rotors?

HUH?? I have 33's. No problems with rotors. Dont know if that question was for me, but your confussing the hell outa me...;)

mines a 95 with 31s on stock rims...theres pics on my home page if youd like to see it

Thanks section, by the way, wuz up?

Sapo, i clicked on your link and it showed it with 31's... forgot to read the updated description :-P

And fish, what's your website addy?

And fish, what's your website addy?

as someone said to me recently ;) (I was sick when i asked :p)
*cough* its under his sig block

(Click on the words "Home Page" :)

Originally posted by sunbum
as someone said to me recently ;) (I was sick when i asked :p)

(Click on the words "Home Page" :)


i didnt mean it rude, i said COUGH becuase its a link to his webpage which has the ALL the pictures on it, also is link he originally had got deleted, but when you click the HOME PAGE, it goes to the same place:D Wasnt trying to be rude.


Ah i see now.. thx :)
