Need rear-wiper help ASAP! Links to pics | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Need rear-wiper help ASAP! Links to pics


Well-Known Member
May 2, 2000
Reaction score
City, State
Rochester, NY
Year, Model & Trim Level
2001 XLT
Something has gone wrong with my rear wiper mechanism, and I don't know how I should go about fixing it. It looks to me like the whole assembly has shifted to the left for some reason -- the wiper arm doesn't line up with the holder anymore, and I can move the whole arm over by pressing on it. Take a look at the pics:

I can push the arm over into position, but it just pulls itself right back when I let go.

The real problem is that the wiper has scratched my back window really bad, I don't know whether the arm is so out of position that it scraped the glass itself, or if I had a bad wiper on there or what. I'm having the back window replaced this week, and I need to know if this needs to be fixed before I do that. If the new window gets scratched that would be extremely bad.

I really appreciate any help here, if there's something that can be fixed I need to do it today.


The rear wiper is held on a plate with three rubber bushes inside the hatch. I would take off the trim and have a look and see if the plate has got bent. It happen to me in a car wash. A simple job just to bend the plate straight and get back to normal.
