nerf or not to nerf | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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nerf or not to nerf


New Member
May 26, 2005
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City, State
lancaster, pa
Year, Model & Trim Level
02 sport trc
I have a 02 sport trc. loves it. this spring the wife and I took a trip to up state PA. We had 24 + inches of crusted snow on the ground :) FUN FUN FUN. I only got her stuck 1 time. that was my falt. hehe I tryed to come off a 3 foot drop that was even with snow she high centered QUICK lol. now my wife is a 5 foot nuttin girl. She wants nerfs so she can get in and out easer. Is this gona kill my ground clearence or isnt it gona make a difrence? Thanks and have fun.

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i have a 99 sport..and when i took my nerfs off i got about 3 inches!!! more ground clearence. plus it looks a whole lot better without them on there. for me it got rid of that "soccer mom" look. so i would say take them off

But if the wife ain't happy, you ain't happy. So take that into consideration. My wife is also about a hair taller than 5 ft. She also told me that she wanted some kind of step bar to make it easier for her to get in. I just told her I would look into it.

If momma ain't happy...ain't nobody happy. ;)

Get some rock sliders. They are steps for her, and protection when wheeling for you. Sounds like a decent compromise to me.

i have nerfs and i think they look geat. would definitely get killed if i did any off-roading though for sure:


Brian_B said:
Get some rock sliders. They are steps for her, and protection when wheeling for you. Sounds like a decent compromise to me.

Exactly. They just cost a bit more than the other steps. ;) Mine work as both steps and more importantly, protection. I took off my stupid side skirt things and that gave my truck a more aggressive look since it didn't look like it dragged the ground anymore. With the sliders, I didn't lose ANY ground clearance because of the way that mine are designed.

The non-married guy's opinion: Tell her to jump

The married guy's opinion: If it'll shut her up for a little bit...

alphabets13 said:
i have nerfs and i think they look geat. would definitely get killed if i did any off-roading though for sure:


your x looks phat

4squared said:
your x looks phat
thanks man. it looks alot better now. i had a bunch of stuff painted, got an EE airdam, new altezzas, lund windjammer, etc etc. i'll post pics later and also update my cardomain page.

I paid $200 for my steps/sliders. I'm pretty sure that's around the same cost as nerfs and much better offroading capability.

