New 22's on the Ex!!! Finnaly! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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New 22's on the Ex!!! Finnaly!

I've been waiting a long time to get some shoes on the Ex. I wanted 24's, but when the salesman showed me the 25 series perellis that were going to go on it, it was an easy pass!!! (plus i saved a grand)

I couldnt be happier with the way it came out!!!

Heres some pics







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They look hot! And i have been noticing Nexen tires have seemed to gotten very popular with trucks/SUV's with rims.

nice! i'll prolly see it sooner or later

i may have saw you on 465 lastnight bout 9-930 around 10th - rockville rd. dunno tho theres a few explorers on 2's around

Ima sucker for black on black, Slam it down and u will be set..

Those are sweet. What kind of rims are they.

looks bad ass keep up good work

Where did you get that Grill?

if you dont use the roof racks pull them off and it will look really good!

lowering it would look cool too, but its pricey, removing the racks is free! and looks almost as good.
it will really add to the street truck look.

you could also tint your tails, here is my how to on it:

i think the tails look especially good on black trucks, custom auto shops charge like 200-300 for it, but it costs about 8 bucks if you do it yourself, and still comes out well.
