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New explorer


April 5, 2022
Reaction score
City, State
Seattle WA
Year, Model & Trim Level
1998 Limited 5.0L
Hey guys, just got a 1998 Explorer Limited V8, haven't done much to it yet but I have some plans

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That is a beautiful truck! Welcome

Interesting wheels for a 98

welcome! :)nice limited! the v8s are tough!!!!! how many miles on the ticker? whats the plans? offroad, street, etc?:bounce:

Welcome, nice ride.

Welcome. I really like that deep green color they offered on the 2nd gens.

welcome! :)nice limited! the v8s are tough!!!!! how many miles on the ticker? whats the plans? offroad, street, etc?:bounce:
thanks, its got 115k miles, its mostly a street car but I want to be able to take it on some easy offroad stuff. I'm thinking an exhaust system if can find one that works with the air suspension and a grill guard, and some quality of life stuff like a radio and replacing a couple trim pieces. When I have more money to spend on it, torque monster headers, cams, and maybe heads

personally, im partial to borla if theres one for yours... and for radios, im aprtial to pioneer ;)

Welcome to this forum! It looks like it's in great condition.
yeah it has a sticky drivers window and the liftgate window wont stay open, but otherwise runs great

liftgate window struts are available on amazon... for the window, i just spray it with the silicone grease spray thingy at the ahrdware store once ina. while (take door panel off, then peel the foam thing back and you can see all that)

Update on this rig: it is no longer clean but shes mint if you squint
