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How to: New Forscan Update Allows Module Programming

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Just picked up a nice 2015 XLT earlier this month, 15 years after I sold my 1st Explorer, a 93 that I ran the wheels off of.

Wanted to report that I was able to reset the PATS keys back to zero (it had 4 IKTs programmed but only two keys came with it) and reprogram the two standard 3-button IKTs that came with the vehicles back into it using FORScan 2.3.9 beta. It was a TIMED delay of 12 minutes, went as smooth as butter. I saw some previous posts that indicated some concerns about PATS reprogramming and a note that, it it were TIMED instead of CODED, it *might* work. Happy to say it did work for me!

I usually kill time on some of the F-series forums and used to spend time on the Contour and SHO forums, so, if any of you folks out there are now here, howdy!

Do you have a link any directions for the programming of the keys with Forscan. I bought a Strattec 4 button so I can enable remote start on my fiance's 13 expy. Once I get the key cut on Friday I want to do the programming and get some brownie points...


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Just picked up a nice 2015 XLT earlier this month, 15 years after I sold my 1st Explorer, a 93 that I ran the wheels off of.

Wanted to report that I was able to reset the PATS keys back to zero (it had 4 IKTs programmed but only two keys came with it) and reprogram the two standard 3-button IKTs that came with the vehicles back into it using FORScan 2.3.9 beta. It was a TIMED delay of 12 minutes, went as smooth as butter. I saw some previous posts that indicated some concerns about PATS reprogramming and a note that, it it were TIMED instead of CODED, it *might* work. Happy to say it did work for me!

I usually kill time on some of the F-series forums and used to spend time on the Contour and SHO forums, so, if any of you folks out there are now here, howdy!
@ProjectSHO89 this is what i'm looking for, i bought used 2012 XLT comes only with 2 IKT fob with 3 buttons but on the system its says it has 5 admin keys.
can you advise detailed instructions on how to reset and reprogram the existing IKT. i dont want to mess around as it out of warranty already. thank you
i have forscan but i dont know if its 2.3.9 beta.

Do you have a link any directions for the programming of the keys with Forscan. I bought a Strattec 4 button so I can enable remote start on my fiance's 13 expy. Once I get the key cut on Friday I want to do the programming and get some brownie points...

If you have two currently programmed PATS keys but not more than four recognized in the vehicle you simply first follow the instructions in your owner's manual for adding additional keys. Then, assuming that is successful, you follow the directions in the separate thread on this forum regarding enabling remote start in the BCM and IPC modules. You don't have to reprogram anything to do with the keys themselves in FORScan if the above provision applies.

@ProjectSHO89 this is what i'm looking for, i bought used 2012 XLT comes only with 2 IKT fob with 3 buttons but on the system its says it has 5 admin keys.
can you advise detailed instructions on how to reset and reprogram the existing IKT. i dont want to mess around as it out of warranty already. thank you
i have forscan but i dont know if its 2.3.9 beta.

First, check the revision level of your copy of FORScan and see what you have. I downloaded my copy directly from the FORScan servers about two weeks ago. I do not know at what revision level this capability was added, so it probably wouldn't hurt for you to have the latest (or close to it) version.

I didn't take photos or make any notes while I did the re-programming, so specifics aren't possible.

Once connected using my OBDLink-MX, I clicked on the wrench icon on the left of the screen, then on the Body Control Module and selected the PATS reprogramming feature. The process is pretty intuitive, just follow the onscreen prompts. If yours comes up as CODED instead of TIMED security access, you're probably, to the best of my understanding, out of luck.

Note: Make certain you have two valid and unique PATS keys immediately available before starting the procedure as they are to be programmed back into the system to re-enable the vehicle's starting and operation.

Good luck!

Correction, they seem to stay on the bright mode when on auto. THanks, working as planned :)

Your result is much different than mine, as no lights turn on (during the day) when set to auto.
The signature lights only turns on when I turn the dial to off.
I'm able to have the fog lights on with only the signature lights as well. Of note, the daytime lights have to be de-selected on the dash. Signatures still show up for me in this mode on Auto. Does everyone else have a 2017 explorer?
I'm going to re-visit this again, as with DRL disabled in the IPC and the dial set to auto; nothing lights up (no lowbeam or sig).

If I turn the dial to off, the sig light turns on only, without the lowbeam as intended/


Just picked up a nice 2015 XLT earlier this month, 15 years after I sold my 1st Explorer, a 93 that I ran the wheels off of.

Wanted to report that I was able to reset the PATS keys back to zero (it had 4 IKTs programmed but only two keys came with it) and reprogram the two standard 3-button IKTs that came with the vehicles back into it using FORScan 2.3.9 beta. It was a TIMED delay of 12 minutes, went as smooth as butter. I saw some previous posts that indicated some concerns about PATS reprogramming and a note that, it it were TIMED instead of CODED, it *might* work. Happy to say it did work for me!

I usually kill time on some of the F-series forums and used to spend time on the Contour and SHO forums, so, if any of you folks out there are now here, howdy!
Welcome to the Forum.:wave:


I mention it 3 weeks ago and got nothing. Now it blows up. Lol.


I saw that post but it was ambiguous (to me) that it specifically covered the reprogramming of the PATS system and re-initializing the keys so I didn't connect it to my circumstances. In a thread of almost 600 posts, it's pretty tough to catch every detail, ya know!

Hey, thanks for the details you do provide, they're quite informative....


I saw that post but it was ambiguous (to me) that it specifically covered the reprogramming of the PATS system and re-initializing the keys so I didn't connect it to my circumstances. In a thread of almost 600 posts, it's pretty tough to catch every detail, ya know!

Hey, thanks for the details you do provide, they're quite informative....

Here is the how to from previous versions before the implementation for the explorer. Note: the new version should have a built in incode/outcode calculator but the explorer is timed access so that shouldn't matter.

Also, always test your new keys first by adding it before deleting your other ones. That way you don't erase the old ones and are stuck because a new one won't program.

Btw the erase all keys function should be able to fix any MY Key issues that others have had by possibly accidentally activating the feature.

I just replied to your PM.
Here's the changes for others who are looking.

BCM 726-16-02 0101 0101 0049 (DRL Cluster Control 1 enabled)
BCM 726-21-01 xxxx xxxx x1xx
BCM 726-50-01 108E

IPC 720-02-01 xxEx xxxx xxxx (Daytime Lights option & Lane Keeping System present in Settings)
IPC 720-02-01 xxCx xxxx xxxx (Daytime Lights option present & Lane Keeping System absent in Settings)
Any chance to get fogs on with signatures?

There is a setting in the PDM and DDM modules for 2017 to disable Global Close so this will need to be changed to the value that enables both Global Close & Open. At 740-05-01 and 741-05-01, the first digit 9 will need to be changed to D.

Some settings can be changed with Ford IDS (or the unofficial UCDS software) - once a setting is changed we can note what bits were changed in the as-built data and figure out where these settings reside by comparing the new and old as-built files. We can also compare as-built data from vehicles that have these features and others that don't. Sometimes, for example in some of the newer instrument panel clusters, we need to experiment by incrementing values in hexadecimal 0-9 & A-F. This is very time consuming but many as-built settings are shared with other Ford vehicles.

Here are the latest spreadsheets I am aware of:

2011-2018 Explorer:
2011-2015 Explorer:
2015-2017 F-150's:
2013+ Ford Fusion:
2015+ Mustang S550:
2015+ Mustang GT350:
2017 Super Duty:

To add to your list. Got my global windows to work. All you addresses are correct, for the IPC

16-18MY IPC 720-02-01 *x.. xxxx xxxx 6=Enabled (Default 17MY Platinum), 4=Disabled (Default 16MY Platinum), For non-Platinum IPC, increment by 3 to Enable:

Mine was defaulted to 6 as Global open was default(17 sport Canadian) I went up to 9 and that took away the default global open and replaced with close ( open still worked but close didnt) I tried "B" And that enabled both on my left display. The up didnt work untill my PDM and DDM were changed to allow open and close.

All working now. Thanks again

I just replied to your PM.
Here's the changes for others who are looking.

BCM 726-16-02 0101 0101 0049 (DRL Cluster Control 1 enabled)
BCM 726-21-01 xxxx xxxx x1xx
BCM 726-50-01 108E

IPC 720-02-01 xxEx xxxx xxxx (Daytime Lights option & Lane Keeping System present in Settings)
IPC 720-02-01 xxCx xxxx xxxx (Daytime Lights option present & Lane Keeping System absent in Settings)

Mine are working but I also had an issue with 726-50-01 throwing an error. But it is working as needed. Just to be clear the block defaults back to the original value of 017F

lights in auto Sig on bright, off also is bright. Parklights on Sig dim. low beam when in auto can now be selected from left display as on or off.

I'm able to have the fog lights on with only the signature lights as well. Of note, the daytime lights have to be de-selected on the dash. Signatures still show up for me in this mode on Auto. Does everyone else have a 2017 explorer?

I wasnt able to have the fog default to on. If I have parklights on I can run fogs but the Sigs run in dimmed setting. I have the same model.

It seems I have lost my manual gear display. It wont automatically switch to tach when I hit a paddle. Even if I switch to tach there is no gear selector.
Ive added Drl control to IPC and Global close. maybe I will reset the IPC back to default and see if it comes back.

**EDIT** Fixed. I didnt see the 7 option(for global open and close) as I thought it only applied to Platinum. 7 allowed open and close as well as gear selector on my sport. B took away gear display but did add open and close.

I recently was able to activate the navigation in my Explorer through changing the values in the APIM and wanted to be able to have the turn-by-turn navigation show in the right IPC as well. I am unable to access the IPC. I have the OBDII scanner that is linked below. From reading other posts on this forum and others, it seems people have had success with this device and no issue accessing the IPC and multiple other modules. The program recognizes there is a switch, because if I have it switched to MS-CAN when I first try to connect it tells it can't connect to the car. When I switch back to HS-CAN it connects perfectly and is able to find the APIM, BdyCM, PAM and PCM modules. When it asks me to flip the switch to MS-CAN, no additional modules are found. I'm wondering if this is any issue with the device and the switch not actually changing it over to MS-CAN? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

OHP Ford ELMconfig USB device 500kbit/s ELM327 compatible interface with MS-CAN switch

Welcome to the Forum Watson138.:wave:


I recently was able to activate the navigation in my Explorer through changing the values in the APIM and wanted to be able to have the turn-by-turn navigation show in the right IPC as well. I am unable to access the IPC. I have the OBDII scanner that is linked below. From reading other posts on this forum and others, it seems people have had success with this device and no issue accessing the IPC and multiple other modules. The program recognizes there is a switch, because if I have it switched to MS-CAN when I first try to connect it tells it can't connect to the car. When I switch back to HS-CAN it connects perfectly and is able to find the APIM, BdyCM, PAM and PCM modules. When it asks me to flip the switch to MS-CAN, no additional modules are found. I'm wondering if this is any issue with the device and the switch not actually changing it over to MS-CAN? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

OHP Ford ELMconfig USB device 500kbit/s ELM327 compatible interface with MS-CAN switch

Either they wired it wrong or it's the switch. If the HS can is being read correctly then the main elm327 chip is fine. All the switch does is change input pins.

There is also the small possibility that your ms -can pins at your under dash connector aren't right (wire could be cut).

Been busy this weekend after new information from Jason (jmr061).

He helped me program my BCM and IPC for global open/close.

Did some signal testing and it appears the BCM is capable of sending both an open and close signal. Wired it to the doors and got nothing but if I wire it to the sunroof I get the shade opening and vent operation (just open).

What I deduce from this is that the Explorers smart motors aren't provisioned for global open/close, but a Taurus is (global open), and an MKT is (global open, close). Form factors and pinouts for all 3 models look the same so something is set in the control board of the motor assembly.

Still working on it and if anyone else would like to jump into this with us let us know.

Right now the only option appears to be swapping out motors.

You can see the signal change after 2-3 seconds of holding down each button.


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Here is remote global open & close enabled on my Explorer. I haven't figured out how to enable the sunroof to open like the 2017's. I wonder if they added another wire to the BCM.

And the IPC menu (value 6 enables open, value 7 enables open and close)
