new front grill | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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new front grill


New Member
November 27, 2011
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City, State
Tampa Florida
Year, Model & Trim Level
2012 Ford Explorer
im looking 4 a new white front grill for a 2012 explorer. im looking for the best price posible. any1 that can help.

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im looking 4 a new white front grill for a 2012 explorer. im looking for the best price posible. any1 that can help.
Hi Dave2. Welcome to the Forum. :wavey:
Your details don't show which model you have and there is nothing listed in your 'Vehicle Specs' either. Is your grill damaged? I doubt there are too many of these grills available in the 'used' market. If it isn't damaged and you are unsuccessful in finding one, you may want to consider having it painted. I believe there are some members who have done that.
In any case, best of luck in your quest.


sounds like the same guy as reginijr....

parting out his Explorer one piece at a time.....

Really??? Is this the rude initiation to explorer forums??? That's not very nice if you want to ask me something then ask me my name is george not reginijr and I'll be on the boards for a long time to come so man up and get over your "I think reginijr is a scam crap!!!!!

George, please, take a breath. We are just joking around, hence the smiley faces.

We like to tease each other on this board. A bit of good natured ribbing helps keep the mood light, especially when you are frustrated with your vehicle for one reason or another.

Also, we often (usually always) call each other by our forum 'handles', no offense is/was intended. That is pretty much a standard internet thing. Might I suggest you change your handle to "CallMeGeorge" or maybe "MyNameIsGeorge". :)

If you do not appreciate the joking around, now that you know that is what we do around here, then please tell us, and we will interact with you accordingly.

Happy driving.

Ohhhhhh...... Look e here. Hehehehehehe........ Hi George. How you doin.

Thats a funny quote you got going.

Really??? Is this the rude initiation to explorer forums??? That's not very nice if you want to ask me something then ask me my name is george not reginijr and I'll be on the boards for a long time to come so man up and get over your "I think reginijr is a scam crap!!!!!
Hi George. I agree with Vince that you should relax and not take it so seriously. After all, it isn't very common to see an owner of a new vehicle attempt to make such changes as you are planning to make. If you've read some of the other threads, you will see that some of the members take a light hearted approach to some posts. It is all in good fun.
I mentioned that I was wondering if your request was really 'legit' on your other thread because a member that I had directed to get in touch with you about also getting 2nd row buckets, reported that they had made several attempts to contact you and never received a reply.
Since there was also no response or explanation to my post, it leaves others to also wonder if perhaps we were being led down the proverbial 'garden path'. No harm intended.
Good luck.



Hi! :D


They do not realise that Long Island is in New York.

They should know better to mess with " The People from New York".


Yankees? Hmmph. ;)

Really? I thought a tough New Yorker would have thicker skin. You know. The kind ya can't stab with a fork. George, welcome. Don't let the ribbing get to you. It's all meant in the nicest possible way. Really. We all love each other on here. I mean Hugh Cares about anything. Really he does. Hugh Cares about Hugh Cares. I know I don't. Hehe.

"my name is george not reginijr".......reminds of Bugs Bunny.

" And I will stroke him and pet him and love him. And I will call him George. Are you a bunny rabbit George.

I'll be the big abominable Canadian. And you can be Daffy Duck a.k.a. "GEORGE" LMAOSHIDMTAMSFO.

You see I'm from the land of Snow. And you're a gentle Long Islander who get's upset. I will punish you good.


It reminded me of a line from the movie "Heat of the night"

They call me MR. Tibbs

Thanks CHIMOMAN for the funny start to my Thursday!!!!!:D:D:D

It reminded me of a line from the movie "Heat of the night"

They call me MR. Tibbs

LMAO, I was thinking exactly the same thing! :D

dude just tape it off and paint cheap and simple. and in my opinion real car guys atleast attempt to do it thereself. a little sanding a little primer and just a little more sanding and then paint and a coat or to of clear. the last step is to stand back and appreciate it. then put it back on your truck. trust me its fun.

dude just tape it off and paint cheap and simple. and in my opinion real car guys atleast attempt to do it thereself. a little sanding a little primer and just a little more sanding and then paint and a coat or to of clear. the last step is to stand back and appreciate it. then put it back on your truck. trust me its fun.


If you like snapping crap off and messing up the look of your vehicle. Have at er. Bahahahahahahaaaaaa. Check out the thread Front Grille Removal. Don't do it. Pay the extra money and have it done by a body shop. A real car guy. Hah.

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This made my day, let's not get serious now!
