New garage at the Horwitz house | Page 15 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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New garage at the Horwitz house

Since I started working on my Dodge Dart about 4 years ago, the Pumpkin lost it's home and had been stored outside. For three years the Mustang was stored outside under a cover. Since the Dart has been finished, I moved the Mustang back into the garage, but we needed more room to store vehicles so I could work on new projects in the attached garage.

To fulfill our needs we're building a 30x40 garage in the backyard for storage only, not as a shop. We broke ground on the project today getting the pad cleared of all the oleanders, piles of rock, sand, etc. Now we're just waiting on the county for our permits. :thumbsup: Unfortunately, unlike Jeff, I won't be doing any of the construction on this garage as I'm woodworking challenged;) We hired a contractor for this project.

Here are the first shots.... Nothing much to see, but I guess that's the point at this stage:D

Because of the way we have the landscaping set up around the house, we won't even be able to see the garage from the back of the house looking straight back. That's perfect as it won't get in the way of our view.




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Centurylink came by this morning to tag their lines. I ran out there in my shorts thinking it may have been the electric company. No such luck. The guy from the phone company showed me where the electric company had marked "No Rear APS" on the ground up front. I said, yeah, that's wrong, and he just laughed.

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Well I did some "digging" on my own. Turns out the electric company is not responsible for marking the lines going to the detached garage as they are considered "private lines". They finished their job by marking their utilities in the front.

Now i have to find a private utility locator to get out here before Wednesday to mark the "private" power lines. Always something...

Is it just the power that needs to be marked? No other utilities like water? A tone generator you can buy at a hardware store and some red paint gets the job done, since APS considers it past the point of demarcation.

What a pita

What a pita

It really was an eye opener. Now I realize that the blue stake isn't to protect lives it's just for the benefit of the corporation.

It really was an eye opener. Now I realize that the blue stake isn't to protect lives it's just for the benefit of the corporation.
It places the liability back on the utility provider when there's a problem. You'd be amazed how much of that stuff isn't on any of the maps. I've dug up buried power lines, gas mains and some communication lines blue stake had no record of when building cell sites.

Starting on the RV shade structure today.

BW photo from Ring Camera.



Adult supervision. That's why they take turns watching each other work.

Waiting for inspection


How deep is that?

All finished!




