**NEW HID Vendor** Testers Wanted! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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**NEW HID Vendor** Testers Wanted!

Well it is official, I took the dive and became a vendor :D

What I want to do is give some members the opportunity to do what I like to call "testing." What I mean by testing is not seeing if they work, they better work! What I mean is I will give $15 off any kit of your choice to do a write-up and pictures of your install of our kits. You will also get upgraded to priority shipping FREE, no extra charge on top of regular shipping.

I do this so it gives members an opportunity to help showcase the product on their vehicle so you know your getting real feedback from real people.

The way it works is choose your kit and pay the forum price of the kit, once you finish the write-up and post it I will refund your $15 right back to your paypal account!

All kits come with Bulbs, Ballasts and Ignitors for plug and play capability

Kits (Sorry about pics, I just took these at my house quickly):

35w Slim Kit - $99 + shipping:


55w Prolumen Digital Slim AC Kit - $155 + shipping:


70w Digital Slim Kit - $220 + shipping:


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Looking for various makes and models, happy to give you a deal for the wife's car or any of your other toys as well :)

Not yet, sending pm that would be good to have as well!

Thanks, feel free to ask any questions there or here about being a tester or purchasing an HID kit!!

A few kits sold, still need some willing testers to do the write-up and pics.

Thanks for the orders so far!

Good question, the bulbs will be the same size as other bulbs for installation purposes but there are more gases within the bulb to compensate for the extra wattage being used. You should not have to replace these within 3 months, then it would not justify you spending extra money on a kit when you just have to replace the bulbs all the time.

You interested in some crazy light for your truck? :)

I have gotten some questions about some more details on what the test entails.

In a nutshell we want you to look for how fast the kits ship, ease of install, ease of fitment and overall happiness with the kit. Nothing too crazy!

i have a 2000 mountaineer.

i would be interested in a kit.
i dont know a whole lot about what the differenece is in watts, and colors and all that.

I was wondering if you could explain that a little better to me.
u can pm me

I can explain it to you here and shoot you a pm as well.

Basically your truck uses a 9007 bulb for high/low which until recently was a PITA to install but we have some new harnesses coming in for 9007 applications for literally installs in minutes.

Typical rule of thumb for HIDs is that a 35w kit will improve your lighting by 15-20%, a 55w kit another 15%-20% and a 70w kit will give you about %50 additional lighting.

As far as color there are a wide range, the lowest is 3k which is yellow and as you climb up you get whiter 5k being the whitest and 12k being purple.

Our best selling bulb is 6k, still has white so you can see but a hint of blue for great looking color.

What is the amp. draw, at start up of your ballasr? Do you recomend a harness for the light system? Are caps needed for the "lights out" lamp on newer Explorers?
Is there any where we can find any more info about your product and your location. Would like to know where you are located and how to do returns ect.
Without a website there are some questions.....

What is the amp. draw, at start up of your ballasr? Do you recomend a harness for the light system? Are caps needed for the "lights out" lamp on newer Explorers?
Is there any where we can find any more info about your product and your location. Would like to know where you are located and how to do returns ect.
Without a website there are some questions.....

All good questions:

- Kits draw 4 amps for 35w and 6 amps at start up for 55/70w kits perfectly normal and ducati runs the 55w kit perfectly

- Prolumen makes makes most of my kits in their factory, if you run a search on Prolumen you will find great feedback. I also have some German made kits coming in soon as well.

- I typically do not sell harnesses or relays virtually all of the kits are plug and play but I have them if needed

- What do you mean exactly by a cap for lights out lamp? I know the 2011 explorers are running the 55w kits no problem

- I am located in Orlando, FL and have distributors in this state and CA. Warranty work is sent to the distributor for testing and replacement if needed. I am working on adding some things to my website (new pics and vid) will post link once done!


Sorry forgot to add that the ballasts are digital and the Prolumen 55w are actually AC kits which is newer technology and provides a much better light output and life on the bulb and kit.

Good question, the bulbs will be the same size as other bulbs for installation purposes but there are more gases within the bulb to compensate for the extra wattage being used. You should not have to replace these within 3 months, then it would not justify you spending extra money on a kit when you just have to replace the bulbs all the time.

You interested in some crazy light for your truck? :)

nope, I've got a proper bi xenon projector retrofit on my truck. I was just curious about those ballasts since its not often you see someone selling 70W's...

Yea that is true, they are a newer product. Selling very well for trucks and SUV crowd right now.

All weekend orders have shipped today, thanks guys!

Are the 55w HID's too hot for the driving light housings?

Do you have H13 bi-xenon's?
What about the CANBUS feedback? Do the digital ballasts have the ability to effectively "cancel" the error codes by fooling the system?


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Hey sorry for the delay response took an extended holiday vacation :) all orders did ship last week!

The 55w HIDs run cooler than 55w stock halogen bulbs so we have not had any cases of people burning up housings.

I will look into my stock and see if I have some H13s - I can get can CANBUS, they work great on many applications but have not sold one yet for the explorer.
