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new member need help


New Member
June 20, 2011
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Milwaukee, Wisconsin
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hey everybody, i bought a 97 4.0 OHV a couple of months ago and it started having starting problems. Now, heres what i replaced since then; new starter, new cam shift sensor, new distributor cap, new starter solenoid, spark plugs, new coil pack, and new fuel pump and its still having starting problems.. any ideas on what the problem could be? and someone told me to reset the fuel pump shutoff and i did but thats not the problem

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Yes the check engine light comes on and i can hear the pump

Ooh yes i did ... i forgot to add that before .... can you elaborate on th codes and what they are??????

Does it finally start? what where the obd2 codes? If it wont start, have you checked the cps (crank pos sen). you have to have only 3 things fire, fuel, and air.

no it still didnt start but the code was for an oxygen sensor so im going to get that then see if it starts
