New motorcraft rear strut leaked? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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New motorcraft rear strut leaked?


Well-Known Member
April 14, 2020
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Ford Explorer 2007 XLT

500 miles ago installed 2 new motorcraft rear shocks (from ebay high positive feedback seller)

After short and light offroading, discovered couple of oil traces going down to the bushing on driver side shock strut case...

No any new leaks detected after ive cleaned em...keep any bad suspension sounds or ride quality change.

Is it really possible for motorcraft QC product to fail soon or seller scammed me with broken or QC failed product?

That is the with strange foreign sticker (maybe MRB case or something?).struts looked totally new and boxes factory any signs of use.

Update: found another shocks from this seller came with oil from ebay lot:


Coult it be defective parts from the beginning?or maybe some kind of factory overfill?

Cant imagine how shock absorber possible to be leaked without car weight on.

Totally crap?

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I won't buy many auto parts from ebay. There are too many sketchy sellers there for me to risk my money on. Counterfeit parts are a big problem these days. I have seen counterfeit coils that are very hard to spot. They reproduce everything from the coil to the packaging to fool the buyer. Usually, authentic OEM parts are high quality. There are some after market parts that are superior to OEM and I would put shocks in this category. Non OEM shocks are typically good if you buy a name brand and their quality will meet or exceed the originals. You might want to try them if possible.

File a complaint with eBay. They are good about refunding you without having to return the product. Make sure to mention that you think the seller is selling counterfeit products.

Noticed something funny about the right shock box in your picture. It looks like the EXACT same box pictured on this ebay listing, down to the label spacing, handwritten marks, even dirty scuff marks on the label. I suppose it could just be coincidence that a seller took a pic of the one they shipped to you.

Besides that, I don't see any obvious signs it's a counterfeit but i don't have a genuine one to compare against. I'd guess it was just a random defect that slipped through QC.

Noticed something funny about the right shock box in your picture. It looks like the EXACT same box pictured on this ebay listing, down to the label spacing, handwritten marks, even dirty scuff marks on the label. I suppose it could just be coincidence that a seller took a pic of the one they shipped to you.

Besides that, I don't see any obvious signs it's a counterfeit but i don't have a genuine one to compare against. I'd guess it was just a random defect that slipped through QC.
Thats exactly my case..
I mean the same seller..ive bought 2/3 of this current lot..

No any sign if counterfeit part..all the motorcraft stamps and stickers seems to be original....also no any new oil leak after 50 mile experienced...

Strange case.never seen motorcraft parts failed after 500 miles

Actually never seen any kind of shocks leaking after 500 miles..even the most cheap ones

File a complaint with eBay. They are good about refunding you without having to return the product. Make sure to mention that you think the seller is selling counterfeit products.
Or, start by contacting the seller direct. If he ("he" used anonymously) is legit, he should offer to "make good" if the part has truly failed. Or perhaps refund you a portion if you plan to keep it installed. There are lots of good sellers on eBay.

Ive asked em about struts source (New old stock maybe or damaged) and what is the reason for already leaked shocks photos in his ebay shop.

He told me something like " it is a new oem motorcraft shocks and they can fail like many other shocks".

Acc. to this current seller listing description
No warranty can be applied for his entire ebay shop stock.

actually iam not really care of refunds. I am trying to know the way to screw up new quality product without any outside mechanical damage detected (shock upper seal and rod chrome surface looks totally ok). Or maybe shocks can leak once after installed?

I will buy spare shock from rockauto anyways...just for a case...even no any new leaks detected

Today replaced this leaking strut.totally crapped.very strange evidence for any mechanic damage. the upper seal wont hold liquid at all.


