New Product Dana 44 hub Locking nuts | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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New Product Dana 44 hub Locking nuts


Pumpkin Pilot
Staff member
Elite Explorer
February 8, 1999
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City, State
Wayoutin, Aridzona
Year, Model & Trim Level
'93 XL '20 ST

I just saw this on the Outdoor Channel. Their website doesn't give a great description, but the assembly is supposed to be 10x stronger than the stock nuts, and can be locked in any position.

I think standard D-44 nuts will work on D-35s too, which would be great, since they have more of a problem holding torque than the D-44 does.

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Saw these guys at the offroad expo. You are right about them fitting the d35. These guys make all kinds of locking hardware. i got a catalog from them, i'm gonne get some stuff!!!

hell yes, finally a solution to the no longer available Warn locking date I have been just wleding up my lock washer to fit the spindle groove better, it works but every once in a while the nuts will still work slightly loose...this would fix that.

OKay I just spoke with Glenn at Stage 8
The 5 piece kit is priced at $74.95 PER SIDE

IF we get a group buy together for 8 units total (4 complete axles, left and right) our price would then be $48.72 per unit, ALMOST HALF

I will be the first to sign up, Put me in for two units at the $49 each price......

They will work 100% with Warn locking hubs on the dana 35 TTB

Man i wonder if i could afford this at this stage. (Trying to get a cage) I have a right front hub that keeps coming loose. I think its a spindle prob tho.

the groove in the spindle nut wear out, sometimes the locking washer will skip out of th egroove and ***** up the splines

When this happens you either need to chase the threads or get a new spindle

The locking washer does not fit the spindle snug, it allows it to work back and forth a bit.
I have added material to the notch on the locking washer and then grind them down with a file until it fits into the spindle tight...this helps, but its not the best solution...this kit from Stage 8 is a permanent fix.

A fix for < $100.. I'm in.. I've been lucky (I bet I just jinx myself). I haven't had bearings come loose and kill themselves.. (I've had a set get loose, but I check them pretty often).


they were selling them at the expo for 50 a side. dunno when i will be in the market for these. i guess if four people sign up quick, i'll have to wait. but if it's gonna be a few weeks before our order, i'll jump in....

I'd be in for a pair if we do a group buy. (but for a D60 )

I'm in, even though group buys are no longer permitted on explorerforum. :p:

they were selling them at the expo for 50 a side. dunno when i will be in the market for these. i guess if four people sign up quick, i'll have to wait. but if it's gonna be a few weeks before our order, i'll jump in....

Damn, I walked right by their booth and didn't know they had a special going or else I would've bought a set.

In any case i'm in for the group buy:thumbsup:

ur 60 has something similar to this already...
Really? Cauz to my understanding, the D60 used the same exact spindle-nut design as the D44.

D50/60 spindle nut:

The nut on the right has the same little protrusion that I've seen on the D44.

looks like we have 4 people who want a set, thats enough for the lower price

Let me contact them for more details on how to go about this.....

Check with Rick first to make sure its legit.

It would be worth it if nothing more than the fact that you no longer have to wrestle with lining the washer up with the pin on the nut. No matter what, i still have to pull that stupid washer out 3-5 times before i get the nut aligned. :p:

Jamie, go ahead and see what you can do.

It would be worth it if nothing more than the fact that you no longer have to wrestle with lining the washer up with the pin on the nut. No matter what, i still have to pull that stupid washer out 3-5 times before i get the nut aligned. :p:

Pin, what pin? The Pins on mine have been gone for years.. little dab of lock tight seems to do the trick.


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I'm in too for 2 sets.
