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new transmission?


Active Member
July 12, 2011
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Sacramento California
Year, Model & Trim Level
95 xlt
.was gona do a valve body gasket replacement..poped off the oil pan and there was two chunks of metal.1inchx2inch. dont know where it came from..all i kno is that the truck shifts retarded and i need a new tranny. where can i get a decent one for under $5oo?Thanks

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Two things. one can you snap a photo of the pieces, and two Junk yards may be a good option for a semi cheap transmission. Is this a manual, or Automatic that you are talking about?


its an automatic tranny..control switch options between 2wd 4wd and 4x4. and how much would it cost at the yard?

The piece to the left is part of one of the bands. The part to the right is the anchor for the band. The only way to repair it is to remove and disassemble the transmission if you are wondering.

The piece to the left is part of one of the bands. The part to the right is the anchor for the band. The only way to repair it is to remove and disassemble the transmission if you are wondering.

which would be easier? used tranny from yard or disassembly?

Depends on your abilities and sense of adventure;)

If you have really low miles on your tranny, maybe change the band and rebuild the valve body... if not, a rebuild would be in order and if you aren't inclined, maybe a good used one would be easier for you?

i think time and money is the issue for me. id love to rebuild but have not much time or money. so i think a 150$ tranny from picknpull should do. and my tranny and motor has roughly 240k. Unless someone is selling theirs on here for cheap and in northern cali.

Can you find a tranny that cheap? With that kind of mileage a total rebuild would be smart rather than just replacing that band IMO.

Can you find a tranny that cheap? With that kind of mileage a total rebuild would be smart rather than just replacing that band IMO.

well ive never dealt with engine or tranny internals cuz i hear they are very time consuming. im in the proscess of moving and have 3 kids so time is not on my side. and picknpull pricing on trannys are $99.99+tax. hopfully i can find a scrapped x with low milage and good tranny.

A good rebuild kit is over $150, so if you can get a trans that cheap & don't have time to rebuild, a used swap might be the way to go for you. Just get a warranty written on paper for the used trans. No warranty, no deal, no matter the cost ;)

If I where you, I would do the best of both worlds thing here. For now buy a Junk Yard one, keep your old one, and rebuild it when you have time, and money. then you know you will have a rebuilt, used one that will last you a long time.
