Newbe Here; DIY AC Pressure Switch | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Newbe Here; DIY AC Pressure Switch


New Member
July 1, 2024
Reaction score
City, State
Folsomdale, Ky.
Year, Model & Trim Level
2001 Explorer Sport
Hi everyone I am new here and do a lot of repairs from head liners engine and trans rebuilds etc, but I have never messed with AC systems. I have a 2001 Explorer Sport with a 4.0 liter with 1.35K miles on it. I bought this for a spare car and I am working on the AC. I did bypass my AC pressure switches and got the clutch to kick in and it was the low pressure one that did the trick so my question is.
Do I have to evacuate the r-134a to replace the AC low side pressure switch or am I the only one that has a SUV that old? Thanks in advance.

There should be a valve core which keeps the charge in. Just swap it out making sure the O ring is there. As always wear safety glasses and a glove.

Hi everyone I am new here and do a lot of repairs from head liners engine and trans rebuilds etc, but I have never messed with AC systems. I have a 2001 Explorer Sport with a 4.0 liter with 1.35K miles on it. I bought this for a spare car and I am working on the AC. I did bypass my AC pressure switches and got the clutch to kick in and it was the low pressure one that did the trick so my question is.
Do I have to evacuate the r-134a to replace the AC low side pressure switch or am I the only one that has a SUV that old? Thanks in advance.

1. "Do I have to evacuate the r-134a to replace the AC low side pressure switch"?
No, you can remove the low side pressure switch without losing Freon. If the system has a charge over 15psi the PS switch should read closed.
2. "am I the only one that has a SUV that old?"
