newbie here with A LOT of ideas for my custom X! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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newbie here with A LOT of ideas for my custom X!


New Member
October 2, 2009
Reaction score
City, State
Fountain, MN
Year, Model & Trim Level
1993 sport
About a year ago now I purchased a 93 x sport. A couple months back I had some issues with the back hatch door not opening, the glass wouldn't open and I didn't have the money to get a diffent back door or parts to fix the existing one so this is where I started my custom x which is going to cost me more now in the long run but thats alright. I decided at the time it would be cool to turn it into a truck so I got the sawsall out and cut the roof about five inches or so back from the door and took all the back windows out and cut along the bottom window line all the way to the back. so then I put a pieces of 22 gauge sheet stell in the new open space to create a cab in which then i put a tiny sliding window in for the time being and now I'm looking to put a back window from a ranger in its spot. But thats only the beginning. Now I am in the process of wanting to lift it and want to go with the SOA, just kinda wondering what all it takes to do this, I got the basics down with new perches and remounting the lower absorber mount but am a little confused on the front yet. Also am going to make a custom headache rack to put in back and some bed rails which won't be to difficult. Then its off to some more in depth stuff such as putting a fuel cell in the new "bed" section to get rid of the tank underneath cause I just don't like it. then I want to take the dash out and mount some speakers in the front corners where dash used to be and also run all new gauges that I'm going to mount on a piece of stainless steel diamond plate mounted from the firewall and getting rid of the a/c and heat unit and replace it with one from a ranger without the a/c to get more room in the engine compartment. Help is greatly appreciated, I think I might need it since this is my first build. Thanks, Josh.

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welcome josh

Welcome aboard, Josh.

sounds sweet. how old are you and where do you live?

I am twenty years old and I live in Minnesota. This is a great site! already have used a lot of info off of this site. hope you guys can help me out with my mods. mainly the lift right now.

Welcome aboard. Lets see some pics

I'm about to go outside and work on getting the 4x4 working so I will try to find time to take some pics and post them lol.

welcome to the site, make sure to post some pics
