Newbie needs help with performance upgrades | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Newbie needs help with performance upgrades


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October 1, 2008
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2004 Lincoln Aviator CS
I know this is an Explorer forum but I need help with my 2004 Aviator. I know the aviator is just an over priced explorer so I was hoping you guys can help me. I am going to start using my aviator for towing a 5500 pound toyhauler and I want to upgrade my aviator to get more horse power. My plans for now are to get a transmission and oil coolers to keep everything from over heating. I have been looking for performance upgrades and cant find any. I have found alot more for the explorer. Can you guys point me in the right direction, I am looking for the following upgrades if they are available;

Cold Air Intake
Computer Chip or Tuner
Supercharger or Turbo

Thats all I can think of right now. Also, can I use the performance upgrades made for the explorer on my aviator? I believe they have the same engine, 4.6L 32V V8? Thanks for the help.

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the aviator is actually not the same motor persay it is a NICE motor.

cat backs should be easy to do but i doubt theres much hp there.

programmer and a kkm intake is what i would do im not positive but looked at the air box on my folks aviator and it looks the same as the explorers. I can check in a week or so when i see them again if you want me too.

Do you have the factory tow package? If so you should already have the tranny cooler.

With that 32 valve V8 you should have lots of power already. I would go for the simple stuff like a performance exhaust system and a performance air intake.

Really though if you have the tow package 5500 pounds should not be a problem anyway.

The 32-V should have not problem pulling 5500lbs. It's a great engine, the same one they used in the Mach, NA Cobra, and Bullet Mustang. Good Luck

Yes, it did come with a tow package on it. Is there anyway of checking to see if it already has a tranny cooler?

the aviator is actually not the same motor persay it is a NICE motor.

cat backs should be easy to do but i doubt theres much hp there.

programmer and a kkm intake is what i would do im not positive but looked at the air box on my folks aviator and it looks the same as the explorers. I can check in a week or so when i see them again if you want me too.

The truck already has a catback system on it(Borla). But I want to get headers and the rest of the system to really add more power. Do you know anyone who makes a header for this truck. Also, do you know what programmer to get? Thanks for your reply and your help.

welcome mar1o where in so cali u at i am in newport beach

I am a Newbie and just paired a KN intake with the Magnaflow catback and love it. I am waiting on my JBA headers to arrive next week. Step two will be next month when I have my gears swapped to 4.10s and get it tuned...
